October 18th
Howard Egan |
1851 – The first murder trial in Utah was of confessed murderer
(and newly returned-missionary) Howard Egan. His lawyer Apostle George A. Smith
popularizes phrase "mountain common law" and argues: "The man
who seduces his neighbor's wife must die, and her nearest relative must kill
him!" Fifteen minutes later jury found Egan not guilty of murder. Church
authorities print Smith's closing argument in Deseret News, in two church pamphlets,
and later in Journal of Discourses 1:97. Egan is one of Brigham Young's
enforcers. “
- A case very much similar to this (the murder of Dr. Vaughn)
George A Smith |
occurred in the territory later in the season of 1851 which was tried in the
October term that year in the First District Court of the United Sates for
Territory of Utah, the Hon. Zerubbabel Snow on the bench. This case of the United
States vs. Howard Egan who was indicted and arranged for killing James Madison Monroe.
The prosecution was conducted by the Hon. Seth M. Blair, United States
Prosecuting Attorney and the prisoner was defended by Joseph Smith's cousin, George A. Smith and
W.W. Phelps. After the charge to the jury of Judge Snow, the jurors
returned a verdict of not guilty.
- James M. Monroe was born 9
Jan 1822 in Eire County, Pennsylvania
the son of William and Rebecca Monroe. Monroe was baptized a member of the
Mormon Church on October 3, 1841 in Utica, NY where he taught school. After his
conversion he moved to Illinois and on August 22, 1842, Monroe opened a school
in Nauvoo. His first roll showing thirty-seven students. In November he
advertised that he would teach reading, writing, and spelling for $2.00 and
grammar, arithmetic, geography, and philosophy for $3.00. Following this, his
roll includes names of quite a number of adults. Monroe received a patriarchal blessing from
Hyrum Smith on 12 March 1843 in Nauvoo and then on the 10th of April 1843 was
called on a mission for the church to New York where he baptized many
converts. After returning to Nauvoo in
October 1843 Monroe continued to teach and became an “enthusiatic student of
phrenology” [a theory stating that
the personality traits of a person can be derived from the shape of the skull.]
and stated “I am fully satisfied of the truth of the Science and wish to profit
by it.” Monroe was held in high esteem in Nauvoo and was appointed a regent of
the University of Nauvoo on December 4, 1844 and a member if the board of
trustees of the Seventies
Emma Smith and son David |
Library and Institute Association on December 25. After
the death of her husband, Emma Smith employed Monroe as a tutor for her
children. During the turbulent times after the murder of Joseph Smith, the “dashing
young teacher”, more and more became a confidant of the widow, Emma. She confided in him her dislike of Brigham
Young, fearful that Young would deprive her children of their inheritance as
the heirs of Joseph Smith. It was as a
school teacher to the children of other Mormon authorities that he met Tamson
Egan, a wife of Howard Egan, Joseph Smith’s bodyguard. Monroe’s journal through April and May of 1845
contains many interesting items regarding conditions in Nauvoo. 24 Apr 1845
Emma Smith explained her understanding of the succession issue to James Monroe:
"Whereas it is the business of the first Presidency, more particularly to
govern the Church of Zion, and the members abroad have a right to appeal to
that quorum from the decisions of the Twelve. Now as the Twelve have no power
with regard to the government of the Church in the Stakes of Zion, but the High
Council have all power, so it follows that on removal of the first President,
the office would devolve upon the President of the High Council in Zion, as the
first President always, he is the head; thus there would be no schism or
jarring. But the twelve would attend to their duties in the world and not
meddle with the government of the church at home and the High Council in Zion
and the first Presidency would to their business in the same place....Mr.
Rigdon is not the proper successor of President Smith, being only his
counselor, but Elder Marks should be the individual as he was not only his
councilor at the time of his death, but also President of the High
Council" (James M.
William B. Smith |
Monroe Diary, 24 Apr. 1845, Beinecke Library). On May
11, 1845 James Monroe wrote: I then went up to the stand and found William
Smith preaching. He did not seem to approve the harsh measures now going on to
get rid of our enemies, but advised the Saints to leave judgment in the hands
of God, and continue the mild law abiding course we had hitherto taken. He
seemed determined to live up his privilege and stand in his place, let what
would come.” (James M. Monroe Diary pg. 121) Monroe loyalty to William B.
Smith, the only surviving Smith brother and patriarch of the church was
rewarded with him becoming Smith’s scribe. 24 May 1845 At William B. Smith's
request, the Twelve ordained him the Presiding Patriarch. Shortly after this
ordination William Smith began claiming that this ordination meant he should be
the President of the Church, because of Hyrum Smith's position as both
Patriarch and Associate President (Smith, History of the Church, 7:418). On 19
Oct 1845 Monroe’s protector, William B. Smith was excommunicated for publishing
a pamphlet against the Twelve (Smith, History of the Church, 7:483). Howard
Egan, a native of Ireland, married Tamson Partly when she was 14 years old. The
couple joined the Mormon Church in Massachusetts and moved to Nauvoo, Illinois
where Egan became an officer on the city police force and a Major in the Nauvoo
Legion. Egan was chosen as a body guard
for Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet.
Hosea Stout specifically referred to Howard Egan, Porter Rockwell, and
Ephraim Hanks as “some of the Be’hoys”, which according to Mormon historian
Michael Quinn was American slang in the 19th century meaning “gang member” or
thug. Egan would
also provided lifelong security to Brigham Young. Egan as a member of the
Smith’s inner circle was allowed to practice secret polygamy in Nauvoo. However
because his “marriages” were kept a secret, he was almost punished for being an
adulterer. In 1844 Egan was ordered castrated by his boss Chief of Police Hosea
Stout for adultery with the “widow” Clawson.
However John D. Lee before carrying out the orders checked with Hyrum
Smith and was informed how Egan was “married” to the Widow Clawson according to
Joseph Smith’s revelation and this spared being sexually maimed. Howard Egan,
for his loyaty to Brigham Young and polygamy became a “Mormon patriarch” with
three wives when he moved to Utah with Brigham Young. After establishing
himself in Utah, Egan was called by Brigham Young to the gold fields of
California in 1849. After the majority of Mormons left to settle in Utah, James
Monroe came to Salt Lake City about 1849 and became acquainted with old friends
from Nauvoo, one being Tamson Egan. Tamson Egan, who was abandoned by egan for younger wives “felt very much alone knowing
that every short visit from her husband must be shared with his other two
wives,” lost her faith in Mormonism but was stranded in Utah. She “found the
company of her old friend, James Monroe, a great comfort,” and the two fell in
love. When Howard Egan returned to Salt Lake City in 1851 from the gold fields
of California, he found that Tamson Egan, had become pregnant during his
absence. To avoid a confrontation with Egan, Tamsen encouraged James Monroe to
leave Salt Lake City during the winter of 1850-51 to return to the East. Mrs.
Egan and Monroe's child, William Monroe Egan, was born the summer of 1851. Egan
would raised the child as his own son. Several months after the birth of the
child, Egan learned that James Monroe was returning to Utah from the east with
a freight wagon train of merchandise for the Salt Lake City store owned by Monroe's uncles John
and Enoch Reese. In September of 1851, Egan met the freight train at Yellow
Creek near Cache Cave on what is now the Utah-Wyoming border. Egan met the
unarmed James Monroe at his camp, talked with him about half an hour, then rose
up and blew his brains out with a pistol.
In the presence of several witnesses there at the camp Egan exclaimed,
"I have just shot the seducer of
James Monroe's grave |
my wife. This vengeance is sweet to
me". Monroe’s remains were brought
to Salt Lake City and buried without an inquest, and the murderer, Egan arrived
without being arrested. The first murder trial in Utah was tried in October
Term 1851 involving Howard Egan who murdered James Monroe. He was tried in the
First Judicial Court of the Territory of Utah and acquitted. Church authorities repeatedly published the full text of
Smith’s concluding argument which in
part added, "The principle, the only one that beats and throbs through the
heart of the entire inhabitants of this
Territory, is simply this: The man who seduces his neighbors wife must die, and
her nearest relative must kill him!" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 1, p.97)
Egan later became a successful rancher and helped maintained the express
stations for the Pony Express. According
to a family biography, Egan “became a special guard for President Brigham Young
at the Lion house and Church Offices before and at the time of Pres. Brigham
Young’s last illness and acted as special nurse.” From Young’s death in August 1877 to his own
death in 1878, Egan was “special guard at his grave. Major Howard Egan died in
March of 1878 after becoming ill while guarding Brigham Young's grave. He "got his feet wet one dark night and
took sick, which resulted in inflammation of the bowels, and died at the age of
sixty-three." Curious Case of James Madison Monroe
Lewis Powell |
1977- Citizens United to Protect Our Children, an
organization in Portland OR, announced they had failed to get enough signatures
to get a recall election of Mayor Neil Goldschmidt after he declared Portland
Gay Pride Day.
1990-Former Supreme Court justice Lewis Powell declared that
he believe he made a mistake by voting to uphold Georgia's sodomy laws in the
1986 Bowers v Hardwick case.
1990- Three white supremacists were convicted of conspiring to
to bomb Neighbours Disco at Broadway and Pike Street in Seattle, on Capitol
Hill, a popular, gay-oriented restaurant and nightspot. A
Neighbours |
federal grand jury on Thursday indicted three Idaho men linked to a white
supremacist group, alleging they conspired to blow up the gay nightclub. Robert John Winslow, 29, of Laclede, and Stephen E. Nelson, 35,
of Hayden Lake and James P. Baker, 57, of Coeur d'Alene - all were associated with the
Church of Jesus Christ Christian, better known as the Aryan Nations, based in
Hayden Lake. The church has preached a religion of white supremacy and vowed to
establish a whites-only enclave in the Pacific Northwest. Baker, Nelson and Winslow were held on two counts of
conspiring to destroy Neighbours Disco, and one count of possessing a
destructive device. A test bomb was detonated on April 14 in Idaho, with plans to blow up Neighbours and later other bars in Seattle.
Clayton Hartvig on right |
1991-Admiral Frank B Kelso, chief of naval operations,
announced that the explosion of the USS Iowa which killed forty-seven men had
been proven not to have been caused by a wrongful intentional act and
apologized to the family of Clayton Hartwig who was killed in the explosion. Hartwig had been accused of
intentionally causing the blast as a suicide attempt following the break up of
a homosexual affair.
1998 Eight West
and East high pupils challenged the Salt Lake City School Board’s ban of all
non-curricular clubs as unfair and shortchanging students.
1998 The new Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Utah grand Opening
held. Kim Russo gave keynote address on Utah’s Gay history from information
provided by Ben Williams. Jim Dabakis
Chair of the Board of Directors and Monica Predovich Executive Director. Stonewall Coffee shop was housed within the building.
2003 Saturday Ani
DiFranco in Concert
Ani Franco |
Huntsman Center, ast part of the U of U Gay Pride week 7:30 PM Tickets $27.50 for general public and $17.50 for students
with valid ID. Tickets are available at the Huntsman Center Ticket Office
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Syren Vaughn |
CANCER WALK - Saturday, October 18 congratulations to Princess Royale XXVII
Syren Vaughn for her amazing efforts in spearheading TEAM RCGSE for our 3rd
year to be in the annual City of Hope Breast Cancer Walk. Under Syren's leadership, the RCGSE donated over
$2000 to the City of Hope organization, and as the challenge stipulated – Syren
completed the walk in drag. Thanks also
to Krystyna for joining Syren in drag Saturday morning and showing sisterly
Princess support - yeah Princess Power! Much appreciation goes to all members
of TEAM RCGSE: Michael Canham, Ray & Alan, Mike & Alfredo, Thom Lee,
Derek Beebe, Dixxie Vaughn and Jenni Sessions.
I must say that watching Mike, Alfredo, Ray and Alan doing aerobics
before the walk was truly on of the highlights
VEGAS II - Saturday, October 18 The audience in attendance and the
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Mark Thrash |
number of
performers were both few Saturday night, but Princess Royale XXVIII Krystyna
Shaylee presented a wonderful show which raised $615 for the People with AIDS
Xmas Fund. Reincarnating herself
completely four times that evening: Liza, JLo, Selena and Tina - Krystyna was
truly a diva that evening. Thank you to
all the performers: Kennedy Cartier, Thom Lee, Princess Royale XIX Chyna
Cartier and Kassidy Vaughn. Thank you to
Sebastian Cruz for overseeing the raffle and for your generous donations! I
hope to see everyone at Court Meeting this Tuesday, City Library - 7:30 PM. In
Service... Mark Thrash Co-President Emperor 28
Riki Wilchins |
2005 "Breaking Through." The 5th Annual University of Utah LGBT
Resource Center PRIDE Gala Dinner. This event is will be held at the Jewish
Community Center. The Dinner will
feature transGENDER activist Riki
Wilchins, and Performing Artist Sacha Sacket.
she started out as a transgender leader—founding the first national transgender
advocacy group (GenderPAC) -- her analysis and work broadened over time to
include discrimination and violence regardless of individuals' identity. While
this perspective has been widely accepted, its breadth has provoked criticism
by some in the transgender community. Wilchins' work and writing has often
focused on youth, whom she not only sees as uniquely vulnerable to the gender
system's pressures and harm, but whom she sees as capable of "looking with
fresh eyes." Wilchins' work has been instrumental in bringing transgender
rights into the mainstream LGBT movmement, and has helped bring awareness of
the impact of gender norms to a wider audience. In 2001, Wilchins' work
resulted in her being selected one of just six community activists named by
TIME Magazine among its "100 Civic Innovators for the 21st Century."
A founding member of Camp Trans, since the mid-1990s Wilchins has been highly
active in founding a number of organizations
Bonnie Owens |
2005 Tuesday, From: "LGSU Presidency"
To: "Ben Edgar Williams" Subject: Re: Utah Stonewall Historical
Society Ben, I am writting just to confirm that you are still planning on
coming to our meeting on Oct 24th and to ensure that you still have all the
details. Again thanks for your intended
participation. Bonnie Owens LGSU co-president Oct 24th, 7:30pm. Union room 161, Here is a map and and the
- Thu, 27
Oct 2005 From: "LGSU Presidency" To: "Ben Edgar
Williams" subject: Re: Utah Stonewall Historical Society Mr. Williams, On behalf of the Lesbian
& Gay Student Union and its members, thank you for presenting at our
meeting this Monday (24th).
It was unique and informative and we certainly appreciate it very
much. Your continued support and
dedication to awareness makes our jobs much easier. We hope
to work with you again in the future. Sincerely, Bonnie Owens and
Thomas Nelson, LGSU Co-Presidents
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