October 15th
1889 One Year For
a Heinous Crime- Evan Thomas convicted of the terrible crime against nature was
sentenced to one year in the Pen. Judge Judd remarked that in all his practice
in Tennessee he had never heard of such a case of this, but in view of the fact
that the defendant was drunk at the time he had imposed a light sentence. Provo
Daily Enquirer
1952-One, Inc.
was founded in Los Angeles
to publish One Magazine. The magazine was published until 1969. One, Inc. still
continues as an educational institution.
1963- State Files Brief Upholding Contempt Ruling. A brief upholding
a contempt of court conviction against Mrs. LaRae Peterson for refusing to
answer questions about her relationship with Jean Sinclair, since convicted of
1st degree murder, was filed Monday. The office of Attorney General
A Pratt Kesler filed the brief with the State Supreme Court. Filing of this
brief answers an earlier brief filed by Jimi Mitsunaga, attorney for Mrs.
Peterson. The case will argue next month before the high court. Mrs. Peterson
was convicted by 3rd District Judge Marcellus K Snow of contempt of
Court for failing to answer the questions and was sentenced to serve five days
in jail. Wrote Brief- Ronald N Boyce, Chief Assistant Attorney General, wrote
the brief filed Monday. It contends:- Under the state constitution, Mrs.
Peterson would be exempted from answering questions as to whether she had
engaged in homosexual acts with Miss Sinclair only if she could be convicted of
a felony if she answered in the affirmative. No felonious conduct was involved,
Mr. Boyce asserted. The answer was pertinent since a jealous homosexual
relationship between the two would establish a motive for the murder. Under
these circumstances, Mrs. Peterson could not claim the privilege of refusing to
answer the question. Cites Cases- Mr. Mitsunaga in his brief cited case which
he claimed would entitle Mrs. Peterson to refuse to answer the questions. [Deseret News 12 A Oct 15, 1963] Photos of Jean Sinclair and LaRae Peterson
1969- Salt Lake City's Gay Liberation Front joined a moratorium protest against the war in
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GAA Headquarters |
1974-The Gay Activists Alliance New York City headquarters, the Firehouse at 99 Wooster
Street in Soho, was burned down by arsonists.
1977-The Santa
Barbara board of education voted to ban discrimination against Gaystudents,
making it the first school board in the nation to do so.
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Spencer Kimball |
1982 Mac Hunt, Wirt Gilliam and F. Meinhart open a gay dance club called "Backstreet" at 108 South 500 West in SLC Utah. It becomes the home bar of the Royal Court. The back dance floor had a stage and a make up dressing room.
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Ronald reagan and Larry Speakes |
Q: Larry, does the President have
any reaction to the announcement the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta,
that AIDS is now an epidemic and have over 600 cases?
Speakes: What's AIDS?
Q: Over a third of them have
died. It's known as "gay plague." (Laughter.) No, it is. I mean it's
a pretty serious thing that one in every three people that get this have died.
And I wondered if the President is aware of it?
Speakes: I don't have it. Do
you? (Laughter.)
Q: No, I don't.
Speakes: You didn't answer my question.
Speakes: You didn't answer my question.
Q: Well, I just wondered, does the
Speakes: How do you know?
Q: In other words, the White
House looks on this as a great joke?
Speakes: No, I don't know
anything about it, Lester.
Q: Does the President, does
anyone in the White House know about this epidemic, Larry?
Speakes: I don't think so. I
don't think there's been any
Q: Nobody knows?
Speakes: There has been no
personal experience here, Lester.
Q: No, I mean, I thought you were
Speakes: I checked thoroughly
with Dr. Ruge this morning and he's had no (laughter) no patients suffering
from AIDS or whatever it is.
Q: The President doesn't have gay
plague, is that what you're saying or what?
Speakes: No, I didn't say that.
Speakes: No, I didn't say that.
Q: Didn't say that?
Speakes: I thought I heard
you on the State Department over there. Why didn't you stay there? (Laughter.)
Q: Because I love you Larry,
that's why (Laughter.)
Speakes: Oh I see. Just don't
put it in those terms, Lester. (Laughter.)
Q: Oh, I retract that.
Speakes: I hope so.
Q: It's too late.
This transcript was quoted at the
beginning of Jon Cohen's book, Shots in the Dark: The Wayward Search for an
AIDS Vaccine, 2001.
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Eddie Murphy |
1983-Eddie Murphy's HBO special "Delirious" airs.
It raised controversy because of several tasteless AIDS jokes and a long
diatribe about "faggots." The first joke that a 22-year-old Murphy
tells when he gets onstage in Delirious is, “I got rules. Faggots aren’t
allowed to look at my ass while I’m onstage.“ He then launches into a
fifteen-minute bit of grotesque, aggressive homophobia that includes jokes like
“I’m afraid of gay people,” “I have a nightmare I go out to Hollywood and find
out Mr. T is a faggot,” and ends with a riff about how he doesn’t really like
women hanging out with homosexuals because what if they go home to their man
“with AIDS on their lips.”
1984 - Salt Lake City Mayor
Administrative Assistant Dolly Plumb agreed to work with David K. Nelson age
22, as the city’s 1st Gay liaison. Nelson’s first work dealt with reporting the
increase of anti Gay and Lesbian Violence in Salt Lake City . Appointment was hailed “as
the event of the year and possibly the biggest event Utah ’s Gay community has ever seen.”
1987-Ken Dawson,
who had been director of "Senior Action in a Gay Environment "SAGE for six years,
resigned. When he began the organization had an annual budget of $45,000 and
100 volunteers, when he resigned the annual budget was $750,000 and 600

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Hustling |
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Kelli Peterson |
1998 Utah AIDS Foundation’s Men of Distinction Forum is held at the
Salt Lake City Main Library. “Out of Your Antique Closet” featured historians
Dr. Michael Quinn and Ben Williams.
Times columnist Cal Thomas reported that George W. Bush told a small group of
conservative Republicans he would not knowingly appoint a practicing homosexual
as an ambassador or department head if elected president.
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Joseph Mitchell Parsons |
2002 Letter to the Editor: Hang Those Rainbow Flags High Editor: I write this in response to Bart Gatrell's October 14
letter to the editor, "Rainbow Flags are Offensive." "Sexual
preference" is a misnomer. Gatrell would probably argue that he cannot
readily change his "preference" for females or his rather obvious
homophobic lack of attraction for males. However, homosexuals have no more
control over their sexual attractions than heterosexuals. Sometimes it takes
people until mid-life to "come out of the closet." The reason for
that suppression and denial is attributable to people such as Gatrell who
refuse to accept homosexual people as viable members of society. If Gatrell had
the same limited legal rights as gays and lesbians and knew what it was like to
live in constant fear of being persecuted or even physically harmed, he just
might change his unbelievably bigoted attitude and be a little more respectful.
It is most certainly not disrespectful for a population to declare its
presence, especially on a college campus. Those flags represent decades of hard
work by dedicated people to make the homosexual presence in this country known.
Oh, and go ahead and hang all the Jesus posters you want. Lots of gays are
Christian, too! And although I'm not a Christian, I'm fairly sure that
Christians believe Jesus taught tolerance and patience. So, go for it. A little
tolerance and patience around here might be nice. Dana Robison Junior,
Mechanical Engineering
2004 Pride Dance
Saltair Room, Olpin Union University of Utah Campus October 15, 9pm $5 per
person. Pay (cash only) at the door.
2004 Friday, October 15, 2004 PWACU Community Awards & Living
with AIDS Conference Please join the People With AIDS Coalition of Utah for our
Eleventh Annual Community Awards Reception honoring the dedication of
outstanding individuals, organizations and businesses who have led the fight
against HIV/AIDS. Sheraton Hotel 500 S. West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah
Tickets $50 Hors 'doeuvres & Silient Auction 6:00 pm Award Presentation
7:00 pm Please RSVP by October 8th Toni Johnson, Director People
With AIDS Coalition of Utah
1390 South 1100 East, Suite 107 Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
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Walter Larrabee |

- Ben Williams wrote: Is Salt Lake a Drag?" Artist Walter Larrabee tells (and demonstrates!) how drag is a positive outlet that helps men and women bridge the gap between the societal constraints of reality and the limitless potential that exists in the world of imagination and fantasy. In this hour and fifteen minute show, Walter introduces us to many of his best and some of his most intimate friends including well-known celebrities of stage and screen. Perhaps a city's sense of place is determined by the sensibilities of its citizens. Like any other city, Salt Lake is a place of contrasts. Despite its determinedly sober reputation, Salt Lake has a long-standing history of gaiety. Together, Walter, and all his personalities and friends reveal a lighter side of Salt Lake City that many people are afraid to see or believe does not exist at all. Is Salt Lake a drag? You decide.
- The
American Folklore Society is an association of people who create and
communicate knowledge about folklore throughout the world. Our more than
2,200 members and
Craig Miller - Connell
O’Donovan Walt Larrabee performs for American Folklore Society
tonight herulifag Ben Williams wrote "Is Salt Lake a
Drag?" Artist Walter Larrabee tells (and demonstrates!) how drag is
a positive outlet. Good goddess,
there's some queer Utah history! I've known Walt for 25 years now. He and
I were in "Promised Valley" and "Within these Walls"
(the LDS church's official
Connell Rocky O'Donovan - SALT
LAKE A DRAG? NO WAY! Walter Larabee, or simply "Walter " is the
consummate entertainer. His artistry is riveting, and he effectively
communicates to an audience "how drag is a positive outlet that helps
men and women bridge the gap between the societal constraints of reality
and the limitless potential that exists in the world of imagination and
fantasy." Within the Little America ballroom, all eyes were upon
Walter. Even when ducking behind a partition, he kept us engaged as a
masterful storyteller. Franke Holt,
Franke Holt
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Add caption |
2005 -Queer
Spelling Bee: This event will be held at the GLBTCCU from 6-9pm in the Black
Box. Queertestants and Queertators alike will have a side splitting good time
and I assure you, those who were in attendance last fall have never felt the
same about GORGONZOLA. $5.00 Suggested donation at the door for queertators,
queertestants and students are free with ID. Prizes will be awarded to the top
three queertestants. Refreshments will be available. This is a Lesbian, Gay,
Bi-sexual,Trangender Resource Center
at the University
of Utah event, held in
partnership with the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Trangender Community Center of
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Eric Ethington |

2010 Pentagon: Gay troops should
stay silent for now By ANNE FLAHERTY The Associated Press WASHINGTON • The
Defense Department on Friday warned gay troops that if they disclose their
sexual orientation now, they could still get in trouble. In a new memo, the
Pentagon’s top personnel chief cited a “legally uncertain environment” facing
service members during a court battle over the 1993 law known as “don’t ask,
don’t tell.” The Obama administration is appealing a ruling by a federal judge
in California on Tuesday that struck down the law, which bans openly gay
service members. The Defense Department has said it will comply with the court
order for now — freezing any discharge proceedings and technically ending its
decades-long policy of discriminating against gays. But it is uncertain what
would happen if the court grants the administration’s request for a temporary
stay on the ruling. If the court agrees to the stay, it is presumed the
military would reinstate the old policy. “We note for service members that
altering their personal conduct in this legally uncertain environment may have
adverse consequences for themselves or others should the court’s decision be
reversed,” wrote Clifford Stanley, the undersecretary of defense for personnel
and readiness. The Defense Department will continue not to ask service members
or recruits about their sexual orientation and to “treat all members with
dignity and respect,” he wrote. His memo, released publicly on Friday, was
addressed to the civilian chiefs of each military service. Advocates of lifting
the ban have been warning gay troops not to disclose their sexual identity
because the court’s ruling could be overturned. They say that Congress should
step in and repeal the law. Repeal legislation has passed the House but failed
to advance in the Senate because Republicans objected on procedural grounds.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says
he will try again to pass the measure in the lame duck session after the November elections. In the meantime, troops said no one was sure how to interpret the Pentagon’s declaration on Thursday that it planned to comply with the court order. “To me, that’s really signaling that this whole thing is over,” said one gay Air Force officer, who co-founded an underground support group for gay troops called OutServe and who uses the pseudonym J.D. Smith. But, Smith added, the uncertainty will keep him from disclosing his identity. “What do we do right now? It’s creating a lot of confusion at the unit level,” he said.
2014 Comments on Marriage Equality in Utah from Facebook
he will try again to pass the measure in the lame duck session after the November elections. In the meantime, troops said no one was sure how to interpret the Pentagon’s declaration on Thursday that it planned to comply with the court order. “To me, that’s really signaling that this whole thing is over,” said one gay Air Force officer, who co-founded an underground support group for gay troops called OutServe and who uses the pseudonym J.D. Smith. But, Smith added, the uncertainty will keep him from disclosing his identity. “What do we do right now? It’s creating a lot of confusion at the unit level,” he said.
2014 Comments on Marriage Equality in Utah from Facebook
Keith LeDuc- John and followers, please don't
hate me for this but, straight or gay, in this day and age, I feel the reasons
that most couples seem to be getting married, especially in the gay world, are
for all the wrong reasons! People don't want to take time to truly get to know
their partners and don't usually spend enough time to truly know who they are
inside and out. Some people in the straight world let the power of their
religions pressure them into marriage because the faith tells them to believe in
the sanctity of marriage and that true love will follow. And now we gave gay
couples getting married just for the glitz of saying we won and trying to prove
something. Just my personal gay man's opinion but, personally, I don't think
it's a victory at all.
- Kevin Clark Edwards this is a huge victory I am waiting to get married we just set our date for next year but this is huge because of the rights that we were denied because we were not legal in the states eyes and now they can not tell us we have no rights because of this
- Pansy Pap Smear Wow - there's painting a whole community with a wide brush. Congrats, Keith on spreading the same hate and shame thrown at us from the zealots. I see you are single. That makes sense.
- Kevin Clark Edwards like say you were in a relationship for a long time and your other half got really sick and their family did not like you so because you are not married to them you can not see them on their last days oh and forget the things you got together and if there is insurance policy forget about getting any of that too
- Restore Our Humanity Keith LeDuc I just came from the Salt Lake County Clerks office and saw two women who have been together for 18 years get their marriage license. There are people standing there now, with their children waiting to get their marriage licenses. We did prove something, but not what you think. I feel sorry for you, you just don't get it.
- Sheryl Hussein Ginsberg Keith LeDuc ummm, no; we are saying "marriage is marraige" not "GAY marraige"...and Love=Love. What a curmudgeon you are ... Plus...Legal Rights.Being a hospital ill and have your lover kicked out because you are not legally married? Paying taxes as a couple...adopting children, social security benefits???
- Keith LeDuc OMG, PEOPLE!! Why is it when I write stuff, people ALWAYS read way too much into what I say and NEVER pay attention to the words written. NO, YOU people don't get it! I AM GAY! Yes, unfortunately single. But that has nothing to do with what I said!!!! I spoke NOTHING about gay equality!!! NOTHING. Gees lets get our panties in a bunch over this why don't we! I spoke strictly about being married! THAT'S IT! I fully agree that weather you're gay, straight, transgender, black, brown, purple, yellow, green...I DON'T CARE! READ THIS...I AM ALL FOR EQUALITY THROUGHOUT ALL HUMAN BEINGS OR MAN KIND ALIKE! ALL, GET THAT? ALL! I'm NOT hating gay people getting equality! I'm just not so hot on this marriage business! OKAY? I have straight people in my close family that can't and DON"T seem to make marriage work these days. I see and have been around countless more gay relationships that two gay people just WON'T and DON'T make it work out! So don't be hating me because I"m single you idiots! It frightens me to see all these people wanting to be granted marriage licences that may or may not make it together. Hell, my own parents, brother and sister couldn't even keep it together plus broken marriages that go out to my aunts and uncles. But it's NOT just in my family so please, let us not go there! IF you've been together for 18 years and want to be legally bonded together, I say GREAT! More power to you and I truly commend and congratulate you on your vows for one another! But how many in that court room can truly say they are or have been together and can own up to the same situation for lets say for over a year or better? And I have another comment to make which I truly don't understand about the gay community, which none of you are going to like also. Answer me a question, please...Why is it if you are a person that feels more comfortable being together and having a relationship with the same sex, then why is it, in these relationships, one of you assumes and acts and dresses like a man and the other takes on the role of the woman??? Same in a male-male relationship, why is one role truly the butch man and the other guy is the feminine one? Doesn't this totally go against what being gay is supposed to be all about? How can you say you're honestly being true to yourselves when all you do as same sex partners continue to portray roles of a straight society which in turn has angered you for putting you down for the very thing you are trying so hard to have a "victory" over??? I don't get it! I know if i were ever to get together with another man, I would be attracted to him for being a "man" and not some overly bitchy woman that most of you feminine guys seem to portray and are usually much more "bitchy" than any woman I've ever been around. At least that is what I've experienced being around other gay people. To sum this up, ALL I was doing was trying to offer my sole opinion on this whole marriage thing. it has absolutely NOTHING to do about gay rights or equality!!! NOTHING!!! So, try in the future when you read others comments NOT to get your panties in a wad and be so damn offended all the time!!!!!!!!
- Kevin Clark Edwards well next time think about what you write and where and how you write it because that was and this last post still has a lot of hate in it I myself did not go the way of calling you a idiot like you did several times but everyone is different and everyone is attracted to a type why ask someone why do you like that person just because you don't that is something that no one can explain really
- Anna Nicole Sniff oh and this victory has everything to do with gay rights and equality just saying
- Keith LeDuc Ok, Mark. Again...re-read my previous comment! I don't see where you get the idea that I used the word "idiots" SEVERAL times. Again...OMG! I said the word ONCE and most certainly NOT out of hate. It was out of frustration of an "IDIOT" referring to me being single! Again...you are reading WAY too much feelings into what I have written. I don't feel it's about hate at all or even comes close to conveying that! Did you again NOT pay attention to my last sentence starting with "so, to sum it all up"? I basically have a problem with marriage as a whole and people, GAY OR STRAIGHT, believing that is where they need to be. My message is NOT full of hatred nor do I "hate" anyone. I also noticed you skipped right over my "gender role" question and couldn't even provide an answer for me to understand. The gay community hasn't been real nice to me any more than the straight community has beyond what the sexual revolution has been all about. I've been around and seen up in Salt Lake how gay men act and treat each other at the bars and at other gay hangouts and even visiting in their homes. I have to tell you, I have seen NOTHING of the kind of love that ever warrants being married. I've known personally two girlfriends in a very close gay relationship living together. One by one my friend reported to me about her lover who began fooling around on her and eventually they too split up. I mean come on and give me a freaking break! Marriage? Really? I'll never get a boyfriend because for one, I'm too old, "a troll" I believe is what most of you would consider me and another, I certainly don't have the looks any of you are looking for in a hot man! Puhhhhleeeese! Talk about who is hating!!! Anna Nicole Sniff, I agree with you and totally understand that! But I'm just trying ad hard as I might (and I'm getting really tired of trying to discuss my point) that's not what I'M talking about! But I'm not going to explain it all to you for the third time. Wow this really isn't worth expressing my thoughts on Facebook to ignorant (and I don't mean rude) people who totally misread my thoughts and totally go with their own and try to apply my thoughts to their own beliefs and their own way of thinking.
- Sheryl Hussein Ginsberg Okay my friend, I just re read your original post and you said that you're worried about gays getting married for the glitz of it, and straight people get married for religious pressures. None of my family were motivated by these reasons. (Including my LGBTQ friends as part of my family. ) I am so sorry that you haven't been felt welcome in this community. We can talk off line by message if you'd like.
- Keith LeDuc Sheryl Hussein Ginsberg thank you for being the one person to truly try to understand. As you can see, I love to try to express myself in writing but it gets exhausting! Yes I would like to talk outside of FB. do you mean by messaging or text messaging or....
- Sheryl Hussein Ginsberg I'll friend you then you can PM me and we'll go from there...
- Pansy Pap Smear @Keith - perhaps a graphic on an event celebrating a victory by those who spent a significant amount of time making it happen is not the best place to poo on the victory.
- John Wilkes Whoa Keith LeDuc, buddy! WTF? Try to focus on the fact that a large group of ppl who have been denied a basic right granted to all other ppl are finally being treated equally under law. if that isn't a victory, I don't know what is.
- Keith LeDuc Whatever! I'm really done on trying to explain myself. You people want to be heard but you're not hearing me. But that's ok. I'm just done! The news has only spoken about marriage, "same sex marriage" have been the headlines. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE WHOLE EQUALITY PART OF IT SO I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU PEOPLE ARE HOUNDING ME ABOUT. MY WHOLE COMMENT HAD SOLELY TO DO WITH MARRIAGE! NOT POOPING ON ANYONE'S PARTY, JUST MARRIAGE, MARRIAGE, MARRIAGE!! DO YOU HEAR ME NOW? DO I NEED TO TURN IT UP FOR YOU? GEES, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! SORRY I SHIT IN ANYONE'S WHEATIES!!!!!
- Anna Nicole Sniff keith i also would like to talk to you
- Gregory Enke @ Keith LeDuc - and ((HUGS)) to you. I'm glad of the successes in marriage equality but your voice is equally appreciated and important. I hope we never get to the point we sanitize and censor each other...had way too much of that with 40 years in the Mormon church.
- Keith LeDuc Thanks Gregory Enke for that comment!
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