20 May
1782-Deborah Sampson joined the American army under the name Robert
Shirtliff. She had previously fought in the Continental Army. Her true sex was
discovered the following year.
1888 Ogden Standard Examiner First District Court
page 6 May 19th
Charles Thomas convicted on his guilty of housebreaking was called for sentence.
He had eleven months and ten days to serve under previous sentence for a crime
against nature. He had escaped from the penitentiary and while at liberty had
stolen a pair of shoes by breaking into a store. After being admonished to do better by the judge he was sentenced to
six months imprisonment
1889 Teenagers William Paddock, William Rooney and Henry Fisher pleaded
guilty to having burglarized Pembroke’s store, the amount of the complaint as
having been taken was $5 but Paddock said only they only got $1.25 They were
held to await the action of the grand jury. The trio pleaded not guilty to
charge of petit larceny and were sentenced 30 days in jail. When they were disposed of Paddock turned to
an officer and said, “Are going to use anymore
of the charges?” The officer answered in the negative where young
Paddock remarked “I don’t think you ought to for you’ve got enough to send us
up fo six years now”. Deseret News [Paddock was institutionalized in the state
mental hospital for sodomizing a jail prisioner]
1899 Moses Jones sentenced at Provo to ten months for sodomy, was
taken to the penitentiary yesterday. [ Deseret News]
1891 MORE JURORS NEEDED Assistant United States Attorney Stephens
stated that the case of James Hamilton charged with the crime against nature
was set for trial next week This case had been tried before and twelve of the
jurors on the regular panel were disqualified. He therefore asked that a venire
for additional jurors to try this case be issued and made returnable next
Monday. The request was granted and the following venire was Issued J Barnett,
C T Stevenson, George Roberts, G M Onion, R H Nichols, James Young, Henry
Booth, J H Rogers, Jabez Birkenhead, L Buckland, Walter Scott, E E Casady,
Felix Riley,,David John, J W Donnellan, Charles V Jenkins, A Gebhardt, J M
Ricketts salt Lake herald
1968 Police Chief Dewey J. Fillis reported that lesser crimes in
SLC including sex crimes, vice, and gambling were showing an increase over last
year. (05/20/68 SLTribune pg. 22)
1969 Committee
For Homosexual Freedom picketed Tower Records in San Francisco because they
fired a Gay employee.
1971-Try catching the Boys In The Band at 11:30 p.m. The
Marc Crowley play is directed by Douglas Dutton. The story centers around a Gay birthday party
for Gay boy Harold played by Lare Shultz. The party is somewhat interrupted by
visit of supposedly “straight” Alan (Craig Cook) to his friend Michael (K.
Brandford Miller) as Theater 138. Co-hit with Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.
(05/20/1971 Utah
Daily Chronicle pg. 6)
1976 The Young
Gay Association held a private skating party and had the whole rink to
themselves. Afterwards they met in a member’s home and had refreshments, and
rapped and played games. Youth Group met
every Thursdayand was the first Gay Youth group.
.jpg) |
Marita Gayle aka Marty Pollack |
Bob Stevens |
1982 The 7th Coronation of the Royal Court was held with
Bob Stevens and Marita Gayle stepping down. The new elected officers were The
Stallion Emperor, Emperor VII Michael Ball and Empress VII Wilma Empress. In December Wilma resigned and
Princess Royale Tina Sinclair succeeded her to finish out the reign. Wilma
later gave the title The Mad Woman Empress.
The Star Empress, Empress VII
Tina St. Clair is the official Enpress of the VII reign. The Madwoman Empress,who
was the 7th Elected Empress
was recognized as by proclamation. The 7th
.jpg) |
Wilma |
reign was one of firsts, traditions and turmoil. The late Michael
Michael Ball |
Ball and Wilma were lovers
when they ran and won. They did not run
as a ticket, that was not allowed, but won together just the same. Michael
started the Gay Bowling League and it is still in place today. In December of
1982, at a court function, Wilma called Marita Gayle, President of the Board at
the time, up on stage, and had her read Wilma's resignation speech which she
had notarized by a Notary Public. The audience and Marita went into shock. An
immediate meeting was held in the office of The Sun Club to dismiss and ignore
the resignation, but because of it being notarized, nothing could be done. The community was outraged, Wilma was a very
popular empress and a rally was soon sponsored to
Tina Sinclair |
show support for Wilma not to
resign her duties. To no avail, she
stuck to her guns and in January of 1983, the reigning Princess Royale, Tina Sinclair, was crowned Empress VII Regent. Prince Royale VII was Brett and Princess Royale VII was Phoenix.
EMERGES DESPITE RELIGIOUS FAITH Byline: By Peggy Fletcher Stack Page: D1 THE
SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Steve, a Mormon professional in his 40s and former bishop,
was married for 20 years before he acknowledged to his wife that he was gay. He
first experienced same-sex attraction as a teen-ager, but a well-meaning Mormon
bishop urged him to go on a mission and marry. Such feelings, he was assured,
naturally would evaporate in the midst of heterosexual union. After his mission, Steve met Allison in
college. They became friends, fell in love, married, and had four children. But
after the diapers disappeared, so did their

sex life. Allison ``launched into
an aggressive campaign to fix everything in the world there was wrong with
me,'' she said. When that failed, she started a ``slow and sad descent into self-loathing.'' Eventually, Allison learned of Steve's
sexuality. He had thought that if he were faithful enough, prayed enough, tried
enough, he would be transformed into a heterosexual. It didn't happen. ``God isn't going to rescue
us,'' Allison told Steve. ``We have to play the hand that we've been
dealt.'' Theirs is a story told again
and again in Mormon circles. And it was one of several such tales at Thursday's
quarterly B.H. Roberts Society lecture at the University of Utah.
The independent Mormon group sponsored a panel discussion titled: ``How Do
Latter-day Saints Accommodate Homosexuality and Their Mormonism?'' ``This entire experience has touched every
aspect of my faith,'' Allison said. Perhaps one day, she said, a church leader
may have a divine revelation to ``accept gay members of the church as human and
as full participating brothers and sisters in the gospel.'' But members of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints too often rely on ``second- or
third-hand information filtered through the fears, prejudices and homophobia of
others,'' Allison said. Others at the forum agreed. Keith Frogley, a Salt Lake
retired businessman, compared such ignorance about homosexuality to past myths
about diabetes. When Frogley was a boy, his friend had a diabetic seizure in
school. After the boy was taken out of class, the teacher ``began to unload
upon us baskets of fear for every piece of candy we had ever eaten or would
ever eat,'' Frogley recalled. ``In order to save us all from the ravages of
diabetes, which was very real at that time, she used fear and ignorance as her
atlas.'' Decades later, when Frogley's son announced he was gay, ``I was armed
only with the misconceptions of my own experience.'' Frogley said he was ready to ``protect, cure,
eradicate or change any of the problems he was facing with a sure knowledge of
the subject, that in reality was based entirely on prejudice, little fact and
how I wanted things to be.' After extensive reading, Frogley said he learned
that the ``preponderance of both social and scientific research from the last
two decades indicates homosexuality is not chosen.'' Gary Watts, the evening's
moderator, a physician, scientist
Mille & Gary Watts |
and father of a gay son, also has studied the
literature about homosexuality. He cited a recent brochure by the American
Psychological Association that says, `Psychologists, psychiatrists and other
mental health professionals agree that homosexuality is not an illness, mental
disorder or emotional problem.'' Those same professionals, Watts
said, agree that sexual orientation is set very early in life and that attempts
to change it do not work and can do more harm than good. Yet the LDS church
social services department ``continues to suggest otherwise,'' Watts said. A 1992 brochure published by the church says
that ``change is possible. There are those who have ceased their homosexual
behavior and overcome such thoughts and feelings.'' Bishops and other
ecclesiastical leaders who believe that change is possible will continue to
urge gays and lesbians to marry and thus become straight, Allison said. ``What kind bishop, of good conscience, will
give up and say to any member of his ward that change is not possible when
policy insists that it is?'' she asked. ``What family will abandon hope for
normalcy when advice insists that with enough faith, enough bloodied knuckles,
change is possible? No one.' Such advice ``guarantees that my experience will
happen again thousands and thousands of times,'' she said. There may be some
element of choice for gay women, said Kody Partridge, an instructor at Salt Lake
Kody Partridge |
Community College and the
panel's only lesbian. But it is a choice that the church ought to respect. Partridge rejects ``the condemning dogma of
Mormonism, a dogma that defines an intimate, nurturing relationship that I
share with another woman as immoral.'' Watts said that many gays and lesbians face the choice of
church versus relationships. ``People with same-sex attractions have been
characterized in church brochures as vile, sinful, immoral and an abomination
and are enjoined by the church to forsake and abandon these feelings or be
subject to church discipline,'' he said.
Worse, he said, most devout members with same-sex attractions opt to
leave the church. But some choose to stay and struggle. ``For a long time, I hated the church…and I
hated God for what he had allowed to happen to me,'' Steve said. But then he took a clue from his wife. ``I
had unintentionally hurt Allison deeply and profoundly, yet she continued to
love me,'' he said. ``The church had unintentionally hurt me deeply and
profoundly. How could I expect Allison to love and forgive me while I remained
bitterly angry with the church?''
1996-The US
Supreme Court voted 6-3 in favor of declaring Colorado's anti-Gay Amendment 2
unconstitutional. Opponents of Amendment 2 gathered that evening at the state
capital to celebrate the victory.
1998- Franklin Covey Company has changed the wording of its
nondiscrimination policy to prohibit discrimination based on sexual
orientation. The move was praised by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's
largest Gay and lesbian organization, which earlier had criticized the
company's co-chairman, Stephen R. Covey, for speaking at a fund-raiser for a
Hawaii group fighting same-sex marriages
Mark Swonson |
2003 Mark Swonson to Chad
Keller- Hi Chad- I agree that none of us own any organization
or position in the community. We are
here to serve the needs of the community for a time, then leave. Let others
take over and see if they can improve on what we did or did not do within that
organization. It's all part of Change and Growth. Chad, you and I agree that no
one organization should never be in complete control of our Community. Whether it’s
The Center, Unity, or UAF or any other big organization. Just because they are
bigger doesn't mean they know what’s best for all of us...As for the Leadership
Forum I don't see it happening and organizations don't grasp what its was for.
Otherwise I think they would flock too it but they don’t can't see its
potential. Chad, I am happy to work with on these organizations. But know this I don't want to be in the cross
fire of something you may say or do regarding the Stonewall Democrats or UGRA
anymore. The Stonewall Democrats have a
better reputation now and openness than it did with Nelson. We are working with
RCGSE and I am making contacts with other orgs in the community. We are
respected in the Demo Party too due Mike Picardi and his work there. In the
past Year since I have been on the Board we have made great strides and I don't
want torn down on any site. If people have problem with The Stonewall Dems or any
organization then they should go there Board and not air it on the internet. I will see ya tomorrow night at 7pm at USHS
meeting. By the way what is The Pillars Fax
number? A Friend, Mark:-
MARK But I never tore you down. So
why blast me. As I pointed out it
Chad Keller |
odd that Mike was not responding, and he finally did, through another
site. How was I to know that he was
banned from Nelson's site?? As for the forum it doesn’t happen because
people don’t want to communicate with each other, They might have to accomplish something
greater if theydid. The Forum is
not seen as valuable, I am not seen as valuable because of the
acceptability factors placed on us by the self appointed grand
councils. Loud and brazen. I may be
wounded, but am not out, and will go down fighting if I am to be taken
out. The UGRA crap, truly you don’t
know the factors. 18 months and no
news letter? Membership at its most
low on record? I have not really
expressed anything to you on it, other than I was angry that for the third
time I got take to the woodshed and screwed by them, socially and
politically. I you choose to
abandon ship, then that is your choice.
I will state that nothing is accomplished by sitting silent. By sitting silent, the rules and agenda
get written, and then it is often too late to get things corrected, or
make comment later. This may be
just your majority side speaking Personally Mark, I think that the battle
between Piccardi and Nelson has
gone on long enough. Like the
Hatfields and McCoys, I think that the parties involved really don’t
remember what exactly caused it all to happen. If we are to establish
ourselves at society's table, then we must often work with those that we
might not always see eye to eye with.
Everyone is both Asset, and
Liability. Unfortunately we more
often than not only the Liability.
Encourage the issues to be set aside, and welcome David to the
table. Yeah he is a pain in the
butt on many things, but there is knowledge there that should be used to
it fullest. Political and social fall out will be what it will be. I have learned that it would have
happened even if I was taking the other stance. I would
hope that friends would stay objective rather than cave to peer
pressure from the ruling community
parties CK
Toni Palmer |
2003-TONI PALMER Subject Utah
Pride signs downtown- Another "Utah Pride" is here and yet again we
have banners downtown. Which I am glad
to see because I too am Proud to Live in Utah!
Let's all celebrate having Pride in the state we live in. Well isn't that what the banners appear to
be celebrating? Maybe, if we're lucky, we'll get Mormon families arriving in
droves, to celebrate their Pride in living in Utah. They could mistake it for a new day to
celebrate "this is the place", or Brigham Young. And hey, what a
great chance for us to do a HUGE Queer "visibility action", right? We could all wear Brother Brig beards to
break it to 'em easy. I'm here, I'm Queer,
I'm proud, but shhhhh... don't tell anyone.
2006 PWACU held their Food for Life Garden Party
Chuck Whyte |
2006 Emperor's Race I got to
see Chuck out mingling and passing out buttons for his campaign. He talked me
into going and voting tomorrow. Well, he did not have to talk to me too much
about it, actually. He just told me where and when. I have been around long
enough to know the dedication and service that Chuck has performed over the
years to this community. I guess sometimes it is who you know . . . I have met
Kim Russo a few times at various venues, but I am not as personally aware of
her dedication to our community (though I can read) as I am of Chuck's. Chuck
and I have discussed many issues and community history from all sides. I know
that he would definitely do all he could to represent and promote the RCGSE and
its endeavors and do anything he could to maximize its impact for our community
and the Court's charitable causes. I have not voted in a Royal Court election for years, but I do
think I will this time. Best of luck to both candidates and particularly to the
winner! Ruadhan [Kevin Warren aka “Ruadhan O’Sheridan ]
2009 Logan Brueck: Before the Pride Parade Passes By QSalt Lake In a matter of weeks,
Logan Brueck |
downtown Salt Lake City will come
alive as drag queens, Speedo-clad swimmers and suburban lesbian moms alike
march towards Library Square in this year’s Utah Pride Parade. And while it may
not look it as these revelers pass by in an orderly fashion with their signs,
strollers and rainbow balloons, parades just don’t organize themselves. Logan
Brueck can attest to that. For the past three years, he’s made sure the annual
celebration of gay and transgender Utahns has gone off without a hitch or a
busted high heel. “We’re shooting to get this one to be the biggest one yet,” said
Brueck, noting that last year’s parade entries caped out at almost 100, a
number he hopes to exceed in the last few days before parade registration
closes. As the co-founder and leader of Utah’s gay-friendly color guard, the
Righteously Outrageous Twirling Corps – Salt Lake City, Brueck is a natural and
obvious choice for parade organizer, which they asked him to become in 2007. “With
my background in parades and marching and stuff like that [Pride Festival 2007
Director Terry Mitchell Nani] asked if I’d be interested in doing it, and I
went ahead and accepted the offer,” said Brueck. Before the day of the parade,
Brueck contacts local gay and gay-friendly groups, clubs and organizations to
gage their interest in participating, and to help brainstorm with people who
want to participate, but don’t know what to do for an entry. “People think they have to have a big float, but that’s
not true,” said Brueck. “Just get a group of guys together, get a banner, and
carry pots and wooden spoons and bang on them.” On the day of the parade, he
said he takes the list of entrants from the Utah Pride Center and lines up the
entries as they arrive. While the job may sound simple, it’s far from that when
you consider what it must be like to wrangle hundreds of marchers and large
floats. “I have an assistant now,” laughed Brueck. It’s also a long way to have
come in the eight years Brueck has called Utah home. Before he led ROTC SLC to
victories in the Las Vegas Pride Parade for three years running, Brueck lived
in Charlotte, North Carolina. He moved to Utah in December of 2001 — shortly
after his then-partner’s death. As Brueck explains it, he was looking for a
change of scene, and he found it when he came to Utah to spend time on a
friend’s houseboat. “I was coming out for a gay cruise on Lake Powell and fell
in love with the area,” he said. “It’s the only place I’ve ever been able to
see the Milky Way and shooting stars.” Upon returning to the South, Brueck
packed his possessions in six boxes and bought a one-way ticket on US Air. As
Brueck explains it, he had always had an interest in color guard. He started
out just “playing around” with the color guard’s rifles when he was a member of
his high school’s marching band and eventually joined his school’s squad as a
junior in 1978. He later became the squad’s captain and went on to train color
guards at different high schools after graduation. During his ten years as a
staff sergeant in the U.S. Air Force, Brueck also served in the Air Force’s
color guard. “I just had a natural aptitude for it,” said Brueck. “It’s one of
the few things I never stopped doing.” After his move to Utah, Brueck decided
he’d like to share his love for flags, riffles and marching with other
interested people. After reading an article about ROTC-Chicago’s performance
during the opening ceremonies at the Gay Olympics, Logan and his friend Kaye
Christensen decided to start a similar group in Utah to open this state’s
annual Pride Parade. “We put our feelers out and had a couple of people sign
on, and we debuted in 2006,” he said. Since then, the group has twirled, spun flags and danced
for a number of Utah events, including Salt Lake City’s Farmer’s Market and the
People With AIDS Coalition’s annual barbecue. They have also performed with
other gay-friendly color guards and even competed in Las Vegas’ annual Pride
Parade, where they have always walked away with an award — Second Place
Marching Unit in 2007, Best Overall Marching Unit in 2008 and Best Use of
Lights this year. Along with ROTC-SLC, Brueck is also the co-founder of the
Spicy Dinner Group, a monthly social dining group for gay and bisexual men,
which he ran for five years. In the past year, he has turned over the reigns to
Kelly Albright so he can focus more of his time on the color guard — for which
he has some very big plans. “We are looking at going back to Florida in the
first week of December for the Christmas Parade on the fifth,” said Brueck,
adding that the group is also discussing doing a fundraiser for Southern Utah
Pride, Inc. to help the organization build a community center for gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender people in Southern Utah. In his spare time, Brueck
enjoys spending time with friends, cooking and being at home with his partner
Don Demke “giving him the time he deserves to have.” He also enjoys his two
cats and two dogs (all four are rescues), and donating his time to the Utah Animal
Advocacy Foundation. Brueck has even held dinners for UAAF’s volunteers in his
back yard. The group specializes in rescuing, rehabilitating and placing pets,
including those that are disabled, aged or that have other “special needs.” “We
really are close with them, the outreach and the work they do with the animals
[is great],” he said. So will all of the time and energy Brueck has donated to
this year’s Pride Parade result in the creation of the largest parade in the
event’s history? He’s not sure. “Well, it doesn’t look promising for 100, but
there’s so many people who wait until the last minute [to sign up] …” he said. Then
again, few people thought that little Salt Lake City would take home the top
award in such a huge Pride Parade as Las Vegas’. Which just goes to show that,
under Brueck’s leadership, anything is possible.
Michael Sanders |
2018 Kink up your boots for the inaugural Utah Leather Pride Festival. Michael
Sanders, a chief organizer of the Utah Leather Pride Festival said the idea of
a leather pride fest surfaced three years ago following a disruption by some
“uptight gay men” over the Utah Pride Committee allowing a smaller leather
festival within Utah Pride. Sanders also said the “uptight” men emailed the
Pride Festival donors, calling the inclusion of a leather section would be
inappropriate and like a “Folsom Street Fair exhibition.” The idea subsequently
was yanked. Though the Pride Committee offered to try to get it in the next
year, Sanders said, “No thank you. I’ll do this myself.” “I believe this
segment of LGBTQ population is misunderstood and misrepresented, though a lot
of our traditions have intersected with the gay community,” he said, then
added, “Our community does have its problems but the openness of our sexuality
is kind of a big deal here in Utah.” Hence, May 20, 2018, launches the First
Annual Indoor/Outdoor Utah Leather Pride Festival, celebrating the diverse
LGBTQ and pansexual leather/kink/BDSM community in Utah. The one-day
celebration features leather/kink/BDSM and LGBTQ groups, local/ national
vendors, full bar, entertainment, a sandbox, Bootblacks, giveaways/prizes, and
Following the festival, the annual Mr. and Ms. SL❤UT
competitions commence at 8:30 p.m. The mission of the Mr. and Ms. Leather SL❤UT contests is to promote leather culture among the Salt
Lake City community. We are looking for leather men and women that will act as
ambassadors to work with various segments of both LGBTQ community and multiple
layers of the radical sex communities. Additionally, titleholders are
passionate about activism, charity, and community building. They can
articulately express their platform and excite those around them to get
involved. Sanders is the current Mr. Leather SL❤UT
master, and though stepping down in May, he will participate in the IML event
this year in Chicago. His legacy as Mr.
Leather, includes but not limited to being a dynamic HIV/AIDS prevention
crusader, including the testimonial of PrEP, which helps prevent HIV infection
— he currently manages PrEP Talks, an initiative dedicated to educating on the
wonder treatment. Over the last year, he traveled the state speaking about the
leather community and HIV/AIDS, including twice at a BDSM symposium to
Westminster College students. Sanders also is co-founder of the Urban Flea
Market in downtown Salt Lake, opening its 8th season on May 6.
- Michael Sanders "Uptight" is an understatement for the main cause of that "disruption" I am grateful though, we are autonomous and the UPC have been very supportive. Additionally, my work educating our community and creating sex positive programming have lead to a rethinking of sexual health and well being issues all the way up to the State level so I guess I should say thank you for lighting the fire.
is a sex-positive social and
educational group for men in Utah with

Leather, Kink, BDSM and Fetish interests
since 2013. blackBOOTS hosts social events, munches, workshops/classes and an
award winning bar leather gear night CODE on the SECOND FRIDAY of each month at
Try-Angles in Salt Lake City all for adults only 18+ For three years in a row,
2015/2016/2017, blackBOOTS was awarded two QSaltLake Fabby Awards: Best Social
Group and Best Monthly Bar Night (CODE) blackBOOTS strives to unite the men's
Leather/BDSM/Kink community through creating safe places to meet, network,
learn and share experiences with other men. The curious are welcome, as well
experienced kinksters. In order to help achieve our mission to help men learn,
communicate more effectively and play more safely with each other, blackBOOTS
has created blackBOARD, our educational program. blackBOARD hopes to create a
stronger sense of fellowship and camaraderie in the Utah men’s
Leather/Fetish/Kink community, foster ‘Leather’ ideals and values; and promote
the core belief that BDSM play should always be Risk-Aware and Consensual. Our
classes/workshops strive to help men better understand the wide varieties of
physical and mental play, increase safety by improving BDSM play skills and
risk assessment aptitude, refine communication/negotiation abilities, as well as
encourage the proper etiquette and protocols of our Leather/BDSM culture.
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