11 June
1965-An editorial
in Life magazine warned readers of the danger that other states might follow
the example of Illinois by legalizing homosexual acts.
1966 A specific ordinance to outlaw women’s topless apparel in Salt
Lake City is being sought by Police Chief Dewey J. Filis. In a letter to Public
Safety Commissioner James L. Barker Jr., the chief asked that Barker to
“Contact the city’s attorney office relative to an ordinance pertaining to
topless bathing suits or other wearing apparel, or girls performing in night
clubs. Chief Filis said he was asking for “a precautionary measure.”
1977-Saturday Gay Pride Symposiums were held at the Salt Palace
including “Homosexuality and the Law” given by Shirley Pedler of the ALCU
and a representative of the Vice Squad,: a session for Parents of Gays,: and a
symposium given by Reverend Jim
Sandmire an elder of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Church
and a former LDS Stake President from Utah County. A special session for Gay Youth under the age
of 21 was also held. Attending the event was Leonard Matlovich. Sgt.
Matlovich spoke on what happened inDade County ,
Florida and how Homosexuals are a
minority group. Sgt. Matlovich was to speak in the Empire Room of the Hotel
Utah followed by a Champagne reception but was
canceled. The attendees of the symposium broke out into various caucuses and it
was on this day that Affirmation: Gay Mormons United was formed by Stephan
Zakharias (a.k.a. Matthew Price), and about nine other men and four women
(believed to be Camille Tartegilia., Dorothy Makins., and two women only known
as Marcia and Jennifer; Zakharias called these four women “the glue of
Affirmation” that kept it together. Tight security at the hotel prevented LDS
infiltration, and in fact, two Mormon security agents posing as Gays, were
caught and turned away from the convention; attendees were told by word of
mouth to wear any color of shirt but white and these two men showed up in white
shirts and were thus caught. Other than organizing the group, the newly formed
Affirmation decided to set up weekly “Family Home Evenings” in which members
would meet on Monday nights to fellowship together in Salt
Lake and I believe also in Provo . Zakharias claims
that there were two Gay people in BYU Security at the time who would quietly
let Affirmation know “what was going down, to help them dodge any booby-traps”
set by the Church. The following day, Sunday the 12th, there was simply a
kegger and barbecue held at Memory Grove and thus ended the Salt Lake Human
Rights Convention. Gay Mormons formed Affirmation-Gay
Mormons United to meet the needs of Gay and Lesbian Latter Day Saints. Gay
Mormons in Los Angeles
founded a support group for Gay and Lesbian Mormons. Originally called the “Gay Mormon United (GMU), it soon changed its name to Affirmation. Other GMU chapters
were organized in Salt Lake City and San Francisco within the
year. Affirmation: Gay and Lesbian Mormons is the oldest surviving formal
organization of gay and lesbian Mormons in the world. Affirmation is the brainchild of Stephen
James Matthew Price (who later changed his name to Stephan "Zak"
Zakharias), a 22-year-old Gay convert to the church from Davis, CA (near
Sacramento) was living in Utah at the time and personally knew the two men who
had committed suicide during Thorne and McBride’s electric shock therapy on
them, and this became the driving force behind his conviction that a support
group for Gay Mormons needed to be formed ultimately in order to prevent any
further suicides. Steve Zakharias, who, during 1976-77, lost two friends, both
BYU students, to suicide. Both friends
had submitted to electroshock therapy in an attempt to cure their
orientation. When the therapy failed,
they became overwhelmed by feelings of massive unworthiness, which they felt
they could resolve only by taking their own lives. Both had been counseled by ecclesiastical
leaders to cut off contact with all gay friends as part of their
"recovery" process—thus effectively cutting themselves off from a
network which might have been able to provide the support necessary to prevent
their deaths. Zakharias determined that
a formal support group for gay and lesbian Mormons was needed. Affirmation’s earliest meetings were called,
appropriately enough, "family home evenings." The group—gay and lesbian Mormons whom
Zakharias had met, or who learned about Affirmation through the grapevine—met
monthly in the home of a Salt Lake lesbian to share their stories and establish
a social network. The name
"Affirmation" was chosen to indicate that participants affirmed their
identity as children of God and their right to simply talk to one another. The organization also maintained a phone
number and P.O. Box for inquiries. In 1978, Zakharias’ work transferred him to Denver , where he formed a
new Affirmation group. It was at this
point that Paul Mortensen, a gay Mormon in Los Angeles ,
inquired about Affirmation and subsequently helped start the Los Angeles chapter. When Zakharias had to abandon Affirmation
leadership for health reasons, he asked Mortensen to take over. Mortensen became the driving force behind
Affirmation from that point on. (It is
sometimes said that Mortensen is the father of Affirmation, Zakharias its
grandfather.) When Mortensen took charge of Affirmation, the organization
suffered from a general lack of vision and leadership. An early focus of the organization had been
reconciling homosexuality with LDS scripture. With time, this became less of a
priority. Under Mortensen, Affirmation’s mission focused on providing a forum
in which gay/lesbian Mormons could meet each other, discuss issues, and find
the sympathy that was generally unavailable through ecclesiastical
channels. Participating in Affirmation
also served as a way for gay/lesbian Mormons to keep alive the cultural aspects
of their faith (or former faith, as the case was). And the organization
retained its original mission, as conceived by Zakharias: to provide support to
stop the suicides. Today, Affirmation claims several hundred participants,
mostly in the United States ,
but in other parts of the world as well.
The organization produces a monthly newsletter and maintains an on-line
discussion group called Q-Saints. A
independent but closely related organization called Gamofites holds retreats
throughout the country for gay Mormon fathers. A women’s outreach program becomes
steadily stronger as more and more women participate in the organization and
take on leadership roles, both in local chapters and at the national level.
Shortly after the AIDS epidemic began, Affirmation launched its own quilt
project to commemorate Mormons who have lost their lives to AIDS. Affirmation
holds yearly conferences to allow participants from all over to meet each
other, to discuss the unique issues facing gays and lesbians from Mormon
backgrounds, and to celebrate both aspects of their dual identity—gay and
Mormon. Increasingly, Affirmation is
becoming an active, visible presence in both the gay and Mormon
communities. At a time when the LDS Church
is increasing its own visible engagement in gay-related politics, it is
important that Affirmation be available to affirm the human dignity of gays and
lesbians. Most importantly, Affirmation
aims to assure gay/lesbian Mormons who are still struggling to come to grips
with their orientation that a "gay lifestyle" is not incompatible
with a happy, fulfilled, even spiritual life. Though Affirmation: Gay and
Lesbian Mormons had its genesis in Salt Lake, the organization’s national
"headquarters" shifted to the L.A. area when Paul Mortensen took
charge. Even so, the Salt Lake
chapter—which came to be known as Wasatch Affirmation—remained important, given
its location in the heart of Mormondom.
In a region where most gays and lesbians come from Mormon backgrounds,
and in a culture that emphasizes looking first to one’s own people for help,
Wasatch Affirmation has served as many Utahns’ first tentative contact with the
gay/lesbian community. Until very
recently, WA was the only organization offering support to gay/lesbian Mormons. Indeed, for many years, WA was the one of the
only organizations offering support to gay/lesbian Utahns period, predating
institutions the Utah gay/lesbian community
now takes for granted: the Stonewall
Center , the Human Rights
Coalition, the Utah AIDS Foundation. As
a result, WA has been called on to serve a variety of needs over its 20-year
history. How the organization has gone
about meeting those needs has changed somewhat over time. It is difficult to trace a pattern in these
changes, because new chapter leaders are elected yearly, and because the
organization’s membership changes almost entirely every few years as different
people pass in and out of it. Many of
the people who seek out WA characterize themselves as "moving out" of
Mormonism and find the organization useful as a "stepping stone" to a
new, non-Mormon identity. They therefore
participate in the organization for a time and then move on. This makes continuity of development very
difficult for the organization—and perhaps unnecessary. Still, some general trends in the
organization’s development can be traced, however broadly or imprecisely. In the early 80s, WA served chiefly as a
social group, a place where gays and lesbians from Mormon backgrounds could
mingle. At a time when ecclesiastical authorities counseled their homosexual
members against such interaction, social gatherings such as potlucks or
swimming parties became a way of affirming the value of a gay Mormon
community. As the 80s progressed, that
community focused more heavily on its ability to offer support to its
members. Meetings became more
structured; guest speakers were invited; discussion groups were held; coming
out issues received special attention.
As the AIDS epidemic incited public panic, WA took on the responsibility
of educating gay/lesbian Mormons about the disease (this, again, before the
founding of such organizations as UAF).
Some people came to WA with alcohol and drug abuse problems, the result
of an "I’m damned anyway, let’s do it all" mentality during their
coming out. Chapter leaders sometimes
found themselves called on to provide suicide intervention. Because WA was
listed in the Gay Yellow Pages, chapter leaders even found themselves being
contacted by the LDS
Church . One chapter director received a phone call
from a missionary in the field , seeking information. Another time, a Church disciplinary council
asked WA to make contact with a suicidal gay man they’d just
excommunicated. During 1987-88, the
chapter communicated with an LDS official over homosexual concerns, who was
surprisingly—and, as it turned out, prematurely—optimistic about the
possibility of Church support for WA, for instance, allowing the chapter to
meet in an LDS chapel (rather than the First Unitarian Church. Meetings are now held in the Stonewall Center ). In the 90s, WA has continued to
focus on providing both social interaction and support for gay/lesbian
Mormons. In addition, it has given new
attention to spirituality, inaugurating traditions like the semi-annual mission
reunion and fireside held since April 1992, a sort of modern-day "Lectures
on Faith" series provided by religious writer Michael Chase, or a monthly
spiritual discussion group launched in January of this year. The 90s have also seen heightened concern for
lesbian representation in the organization.
In 1992, WA’s first lesbian co-director was elected; in 1997, for the
first time in its history, both WA’s director and co-director are lesbian. Women’s Outreach, as well as Youth Outreach,
are new chapter priorities. In at least
one regard, though, there has been no change since WA’s founding in 1977: the
organization still aims to end the isolation, rootlessness, depression, and
self-loathing which lead so many gay/lesbian Mormons, youth especially, to
suicide. ©1998 Affirmation Gay and Lesbian Mormons, All rights reserved.
Matlovich spoke on what happened in
1988 Saturday John Reeves and I went out dancing and to distribute
Beyond Stonewall Fliers are the bars. We have 40 people signed up now. But its
time for the big push now. We spent much of my times between in-between and The
SUN. We counted only 12 people at Backstreet. It surely can’t hang on much
longer like it is.
1990 Deseret News ATWOOD: LONG
Bob Bernick Jr., Political Editor Genevieve Atwood is a woman and a non-Mormon
trying to win the Republican Party's 2nd Congressional District
nomination. For Atwood, it's nothing
new. She was the first woman admitted to membership in the previously all-male
Alta Club. But Marriott, who held the 2nd District seat from 1976-1984, may
prove her political Waterloo. The only other recent example of a Republican
female in the higher candidate ranks is Alice Shearer. Shearer, a former Salt
Lake City Council member and also a non-Mormon, ran against former Lt. Gov.
David Monson for the 1984 2nd District GOP nomination. Monson, a faithful
member of the LDS Church, squashed Shearer in the GOP primary, 67-33 percent.
"As I remember that campaign," says Atwood. "Alice didn't
confront publicly the fact she was a woman or a non-Mormon. While I speak of
these issues - I have to because of the rumor campaign being waged against me -
I stress my strengths - fiscal management and the environment." By the
way, she says her stand on abortion has been constant since she served as the
Avenues representative to the Utah House in the 1970s: She opposes abortion
except in cases of rape or incest or when the mother's life is in danger. The Atwood family has lived in
Utah for generations. Atwood was raised on the Avenues, attended Rowland Hall school and then went to Bryn
Mawr College, a exclusive private school in Pennsylvania. She was student body
president her final year and accepted to law school. But she decided to work a
year in Europe. The next year she wasn't readmitted to law school and chose to
get a graduate degree from Wesleyan College. There, she fell in love with
geology. Upon graduation, she went to work with the National Academy of
Science, then came employment back in Utah with Ford, Bacon and Davis engineers
- where she specialized in coal geology - and a John F. Kennedy fellowship at
Harvard University. Her father, who is 90 years old this year, said she should
be a Republican when she talked about going into politics in the early 1970s.
She ran for the Utah House in 1974 from her Avenues district and won. She won
re-election in 1976 and 1978. In 1980, she decided to challenge Democratic
state Sen. Frances Farley. Most thought the pair would meet in the finals, but
Atwood was beaten by ultraconservative Ed Rogers in a GOP primary. Charges of negative
campaigning followed Rogers into the final against Farley, who easily defeated
him. In 1981 she was appointed the first woman state geologist in the state's
history and director of the Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. She resigned in
1989 to run for Congress. Atwood, once divorced, is now married to fellow
geologist Don Mabey, with whom she worked at the geological survey. They've
both left the survey and now operate Atwood & Mabey, consulting engineers.
She has no children.
1991 Tuesday At 6 pm I went to a
Center’s Operation meeting at the Stonewall Center to support Bobbie [Smith]
wanting to move the library into a bigger space.
Margarethe Cammermeyer
was dishonorably discharged because she had admitted to
being a lesbian. She was the highest-ranking person ever discharged from the US military for
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Co. Cammermeyer |
1995 Salt Lake Tribune Page: D1 The vanguard of the Grand Lesbian and Gay Parade leads the way down Salt Lake's MAIN STREET ON SUNDAY. GAY-PRIDE CELEBRATION DRAWS THOUSANDS Byline: By Jon Ure THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE It was a typical warm, breezy Sunday in a typical downtown Salt Lake City park: lovers held hands, danced to live music and cavorted among food and drink concessions. What was not typical was most of them were gay and lesbians openly showing feelings toward each other in plain view of the general public. And gratifying, said the organizers of the Utah Pride Celebration, was the size of the crowd, nearly 5,000 at the John W. Gallivan Utah Center Plaza. The celebration began at 11 a.m. with the first annual Grand Lesbian and Gay Parade from the Capitol to the plaza. Some 600 paraded or rode floats to cheering throngs along Main Street. ``This year the celebration is a lot bigger,'' said co-chairman Jeff
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Jeff Freeman |
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Bruce Harmon |
1995- The First Grand Marshall of the Pride Parade was Dr. Kristen Ries. Pride Day was held June 11, at the John W. Gallivan Center
Plaza following the first annual Gay Pride Day Parade. “Some 600 paraded or
rode floats to cheering throngs along Main Street.” Salt Lake’s own Betsy Ross Rev. Bruce Barton,
with the help of many volunteers, sewed together a 300 foot Rainbow Flag that
was carried by the Gay and Lesbian Youth Group of Salt Lake City. The largest
contingent in the parade was PFLAG (Parents of Lesbian And Gays.) But the
winner of the float contest was the Stonewall Center. Organizers of the Utah
Pride Celebration, estimated the size of
the crowd at nearly 5,000. The Kristen Ries Award was presented to Bruce
Harmon, Emperor XV of RCGSE, for his long term charitable service and for his
efforts in establishing the annual Gay Pride Day Parade. With the award Harmon
joined his partner Rev. Bruce Barton as honorees. A Pride Dance was also held the
night prior to parade.
- ``This year the celebration is a lot bigger. We used to have it in parks but this year we actually came downtown . . . we're proving that we're more of a mainstream. It's now not only gays and lesbians, but a considerable number of `straight' vendors are here who have realized there is a gay dollar out there.''- Jeff Freedman
- With the election in 1995 of Jeff Freedman, founder of the Good Time Bowling League, the transition of the Pride Day event from being political, to being primarily a party, began to take form. Freedman discontinued having keynote speakers or using the event as a political forum. Freedman along with co-chair Julie Hale were the last formally elected chairs of the Gay Pride Day committee under the direction of the Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah which dissipated that year. Freedman was instrumental in preserving the council’s 501 3c non profit status by virtually transforming the Pride Day Committee into being the whole function of the community council. Freedman served as co-chair of Pride Day for five years, longer than any other activist in Utah. His vision of Pride Day, encompassed the entire spectrum of the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgendered/Straight Allies communities of the latter half of the 1990’s. He brought professionalism and continuity to the Pride Day Committee, far and beyond any of his peers. He has endeavored to ensure gender parity serving in 1995 with Julie Hale, and for the next three of Freedman’s five years as co-chair with Carrie Gaylor, a former Anti-Violence Activist and chair of the GLCCU. In 1999 he served proudly with Prince Royale Kim Russo.
1998-A delegation of Southern Baptists voted to request that
congress nullify President Clinton's executive order prohibiting discrimination
against civilian federal employees on the basis of sexual orientation.
1999 Conference on hate crimes opens Friday Deseret News Published:
Thursday, June 10, 1999 Hate crimes and how they affect a community will be the
topic of the keynote discussion at the Intermountain Conference on
Homosexuality to be held in Salt Lake City at Little America Hotel on Friday
and Saturday, June 11 and 12. The talk will be given by Tom Ammiano, president
of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. He'll be joined by Jonathan Moscone,
son of San Francisco's former mayor, George Moscone, and Paul Beeman, president
of the International PFLAG (Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians and
Gays).In 1978, Mayor George Moscone was assassinated along with Harvey Milk, a
member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The speakers will share their
perspectives on that crime. Saturday workshops will include workshops on health
issues, rights and responsibilities of same-sex relationships and visibility
issues for families with homosexual members. Local speakers include physicians
Kristen Reis and Todd Mangum. The conference will conclude with a Gay Pride
Parade beginning at 9 a.m. on Sunday, June 13. To register or for more
information call Gerry Johnston,
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Dr. Kristen Ries |
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President Clinton |
1999-Bill Clinton became the first sitting president to
proclaim June Gay and Lesbian Pride Month. Clinton's Pride Proclamation
President Bill Clinton, who had previously issued pride informal greetings, on
June 11 issued the United States' first official proclamation of Gay and
Lesbian Pride Month. "Thirty years ago this month, at the
Stonewall Inn in New York City, a courageous group of citizens resisted
harassment and mistreatment, setting in motion a chain of events that would
become known as the Stonewall Uprising and the birth of the modern gay and
lesbian civil rights movement. Gays and lesbians, their families and friends,
celebrate the anniversary of Stonewall every June in America as Gay and Lesbian
Pride Month; and, earlier this month, The National Park Service added the
Stonewall Inn, as well as the nearby park and neighborhood streets surrounding
it, to the National Register of Historic Places. "I am proud of the
measures my Administration has taken to end discrimination against gays and
lesbians and ensure that they have the same rights guaranteed to their fellow
Americans. Last year, I signed an Executive order that amends Federal equal
employment opportunity policy to prohibit discrimination in the Federal
civilian work force based on sexual orientation. We have also banned
discrimination based on sexual orientation in the granting of security
clearances. As a result of these and other policies, gay and lesbian Americans
serve openly and proudly throughout the Federal Government. My Administration
is also Working with congressional leaders to pass the Employment
Non-Discrimination act, which would prohibit most private employers from firing
workers solely because of their sexual
orientation. "America's diversity is our greatest strength. But, while we
have come a long way on our journey toward tolerance, understanding, and mutual
respect, we still have a long way to go in our efforts to end discrimination.
During the past year, people across our country have been shaken by violent
acts that struck at the heart of what it means to be an American and at the
values that have always defined us as a Nation.
In 1997, the most recent year for which we have statistics, there were
more than 8,000 reported hate crimes in our country - almost one an hour. Now
is the time for us to take strong and decisive action to end all hate crimes,
and I reaffirm my pledge to work with the Congress to pass the Hate Crimes
Prevention Act. "But we cannot achieve true tolerance merely through
legislation; we must change hearts and minds as well. Our greatest hope for a
just society is to teach our children to respect one another, to appreciate our
differences, and to recognize the fundamental values that we hold in common. As
part of our efforts to achieve this goal, earlier this spring, I announced that
the Departments of Justice and Education will work in partnership with
educational and other private sector organizations to reach out to students and
teach them that our diversity is a gift. In addition, the Department of
Education has issued landmark guidance that explains Federal standards against
sexual harassment and prohibits sexual harassment of all students regardless of
their sexual orientation; and I have ordered the Education Department's civil
rights office to step up its enforcement of anti-discrimination and harassment
rules. That effort has resulted in a groundbreaking guide that provides
practical guidance to school administrators and teachers for developing a
comprehensive approach to protecting all students, including gays and lesbians,
from harassment and violence.
"Since our earliest days as a Nation, Americans have strived to
make real the ideals of equality and freedom so eloquently expressed in our
Declaration of Independence and Constitution. We now have a rare opportunity to
enter a new century and a new millennium as one country, living those
principles, recognizing our common values, and building on our shared
strengths. "NOW, THEREFORE, I,
WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the
authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do
hereby proclaim June 1999 as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month. I encourage all
Americans to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and
activities that celebrate our diversity, and to remember throughout the year
the gay and lesbian Americans whose many and varied contributions have enriched
our national life. "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
eleventh day of June, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-nine,
and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and
twenty-third. [Signed] WILLIAM J. CLINTON
1999 The Intermountain Conference
on Homosexuality held a 3 day weekend work shop at Little America Hotel covering
health issues, rights and responsibilities of same-sex relationships.
2000 The Pride Day Committee of 2000 headed by co-chairs Kim Russo and Adam Frost finally formalized the demise of the Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah’s under whose non-profit status Pride Day had been operating since 1994. They reorganized and made Pride Day its sole entity. Pride Day 2000 with the theme of “A New Era of Pride” was held on June 11 with nearly 20,000 Utahns celebrating diversity. State Rep. Jackie Biskupski served as grand marshal for the parade and for the first time the Utah Gay Rodeo Association, which last weekend put on its first rodeo event in Utah, rode down State Street on horseback. The Dr. Kristen Ries Award
honorees for the new millennium were Marlin Criddle and Brenda Voisard, long time Gay and Lesbian activists and community supporters. "This
parade is always entertaining and it's a great chance to observe diversity in what can be a pretty un-diverse city."- Michael Mack If (gays and lesbians) want their lives to be free of prejudice and hatred, they need to not participate in it themselves…Many (gays and lesbians) resent the LDS Church, because they feel they are treated as outcasts; but if (gays and lesbians) don't get rid of their prejudices toward the Mormon church, then they can't expect others not to act prejudicially toward them." "- Jackie Biskupski,
2003 A Republican
steed: Before making their grand entrance at Washington Square to kick off
Pride Day celebrations Sunday, Kate Kendell, executive director of the National
Center for Lesbian Rights; Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson; and State Rep.
Jackie Biskupski took a practice ride.
Biskupski's horse became spooked, began bucking, and ultimately threw
the lawmaker to the ground. Biskupski, a
liberal Democrat and lesbian, probably received fewer bruises from the fall
than on any given day at the Utah Legislature. June 11 2003 Rolley and Wells
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Jackie Biskupski |
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Marlin Criddle |
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Brenda Voisard |
- Welcome to Pride Day 2000- A New Era of Pride. My name is Billy Lewis. I am your beverage coordinator for this year’s Pride Day. I would like to personally welcome each one of you to the Beer Garden. I am very honored and excited to be in charge of one of the most popular venues for Pride Day. For those of you new to Pride Day or new to Utah, you may be confused as to what the Beer Garden actually is. Utah Law requires that we have a designated place that is fenced off for the sale and consumption of beer. So, this is the only place you will find beer being bought and sold during Pride Day. There are some exciting new things to look for this year with the Beer Garden. First, there are going to be more taps allowing more beer to be poured as a faster pace. Second look for the wrist bands that Budwiser has donated. They will be given to patrons of the Beer Garden on their first entrance into the Beer Garden. The wristbands will hopefully alleviate the congestion experienced at the ID check point of the Beer Garden. Third, look for a new layout of the Beer Garden. There will be tents for those that don’t want to stand in the sun, and tables out in the sun for those that want to bask in the sunlight. Fourth, water and O’Douls for those of you that do not prefer to consume alcohol will be available. Because the Beer Garden is regulated by the law there are a few things that we ask all of you to please comply with through out the day. So, that we may keep our license to serve beer each Pride Day and related activities.
- 1. Please keep all beer in the Beer Garden. No matter what container it is in.
- 2. Please do not hand beer over the fence.
- 3. Please do not try to get minors (under 21 years of age) into the beer garden.
- 4. And please drink responsibly. If we keep these simple things in mind we will all be able to have a fun and Gay Pride Day. The Beer Garden is a great venue to have at Pride Day and something that we would like to keep for years to come. A special thanks to Budwiser and General Distributing for their contributions and friendly service to the GLBT Community. It’s been great. If you have any comments or suggestions please let me know. Sincerely Billy Lewis Beverage Coordinator
- PRIDE DAY SPONSORS Platinum $5,000+ Coors - M & M Distributing The City Weekly Silver $1,000 The Sun Club* The Bricks* The Salt Lake Hilton Bronze $750 Rainbow Mountain Realty Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire Rainbow $250 Paper Moon* The Trapp* * A private club for its members
2000 Steven Tolman Smith, age 43, died peacefully
at home Sunday, after a long illness. At his side were his
loving and devoted wife Kim, his youngest son, Parker, and extended family.
His eldest son, Tony, is in the Missionary Training Center preparing to serve
in the Mexico Tampico Mission. Steven and his identical twin brother were
born February 16, 1957 in Salt Lake City, son of Paul W. and Alice Buckmiller
Smith. He married Kim Egginton of Bountiful, Utah in the Salt Lake Temple on
September 15, 1978. They were blessed with two wonderful sons: Stephen Anthony,
19, and Stanton Parker, 16, of whom he was very proud. He was raised in the Holladay and Mt. Olympus
areas -- attending Churchill Jr. and Skyline High schools. He was an Eagle
Scout. He served an LDS mission to Milan, Italy from 1976 to 1978. He graduated
Cum Laude from the University of Utah. After graduation, he was commissioned an
officer in the United States Air Force and attended USAF pilot training. In May
of 1982, he proudly received his pilot "wings". For eight years, he
served as an active duty Air Force pilot. In 1989, he was hired as an airline
pilot for Northwest Airlines. He traveled the world extensively and thoroughly
loved his career in aviation. Steven loved life and his large circle of
family and friends. He particularly enjoyed music and the arts, traveling, the
outdoors, gardening, cycling and skiing. He played the violin and found great
joy playing in a string trio with his sons, accompanied by his wife. He was
certified as a ski instructor by the Professional Ski Instructors of America.
As a member of the LDS Church, he served in numerous callings, including branch
president, counselor in a Bishopric, High Priest group leader and Elder's
Quorum president. His faith in Jesus Christ and his Heavenly Father served him
well through the trials of his life. Steven is survived by his wife of 22 years
and their children; his parents; his brothers: Randall (Diane), Terry
(Stephanie), Byron (Connie) and Stanton (Lisa) Smith, all of Salt Lake City;
his parents-in-law, Donald and Shirley Egginton of Bountiful, Utah and their children,
Brad (Kim) Egginton, Duff (Patty) Egginton and Mindy (Lowell) Bennett. Special thanks for the unfailing dedication
of Dr. Kristin Ries, Maggie Snyder PA, Clinic One staff of the University of
Utah Medical Center, and National Institutes of Health Clinic Eight staff. Funeral services will be held on Friday, June
16, 2000 at 12 noon at the Cottonwood Heights 5th Ward, 7075 South 2245 East.
Family and friends may call on Thursday, June 15, from 6-8 p.m. at Wasatch Lawn
Mortuary, 3401 South Highland Drive (1450 East) and at the church on Friday
from 10:45-11:45 a.m., prior to services. Interment, Wasatch Lawn Memorial
Park. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests
donations be made to the Kristen Ries Foundation, Utah AIDS Foundation or the
People with AIDS Coalition of Utah.
2000 I have the sad news that Steve Smith passed
away last night. He had AIDS and fought a courageous battle for many years. He
died quietly at home about 8:30 Sunday evening with his family nearby. Although
everyone knew his death was imminent, it is still very sad news to those who
knew Steve. He was 43 years old and leaves an incredible family:. Steve
was an accomplished flyer of state-of-the-art combat jets in the Air Force. He
flew planes for Northwest Airlines until his illness required medication, at
which time he needed to retire. He kept up his active lifestyle as long as he
could. He skied like a madman (and was a member of the ski patrol) and rode his
bike even harder. He played the violin, as does Steve loved gardening and through his last few years
managed to make his yards a showplace. He wanted to get things done so that he
would be able to rest knowing he had left a bit of himself here. In typical
fashion, he tried to plant things that were low maintenance so his family
wouldn't be burdened. Steve participated in the California AIDS Ride, a
grueling task under the summer sun for even the best athletes. Fighting an eye
infection, he required over 4 hours of IV medication every day, even on the
trip. He rode as fast as he could, an IV catheter in his arm, so he could
quickly get the medications started. He didn't want the medical team on the
trip to have to stay up too late. He hated to be a burden. Steve and Kim are
personal heroes of mine. They have demonstrated tremendous courage over the
past few years, speaking out as a couple at Affirmation and Family Fellowship
meetings, and being willing to share their story with other. Steve attended
several Gamofite retreats. We Gay LDS people owe the softening of more than a
few hearts to their efforts to help people humanize AIDS and the dilemma of
married Gay LDS people. Because he came to Washington DC
to participate in a series of HIV studies, I got to know and love him and his
wife dearly. We shared lots of laughs and frustrations whenever he would visit.
Eventually he was too ill to travel this far, but we continued to stay in
touch. On one of his last trips to Washington
I recorded for him part of his life history, a gift to his sons. He was too ill
to finish the task, but I am transcribing the parts I have and will pass them
on to Kim. Funeral arrangements were pending when I spoke with Steve's brother
Stan today. Steve had arranged in advance to have an autopsy performed on him here
in Washington ,
at NIH. It was his wish that the doctors who had given him so much have the
chance to learn anything they could to help with the suffering of anyone else.
About a year ago he asked me if I could be available for that last journey to Washington in case there
was any trouble. After the procedure here, he will be flown back to Salt Lake City for a funeral
and burial. Anyone in the SLC area who sees an obituary should post them here
for us all.
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Jackie Biskupski |
FOUNDATION Please join us
this Saturday, June 14th for the 15th Annual Utah
AIDS Foundation Walk for Life. Again this year we are partnered with the Folk
and Bluegrass Festival at the Gallivan Center. Register for the Walk and receive free
admission to the music festival. There will be fun entertainment, cool
incentive prizes, and a great walk through downtown. Here’s the schedule: 5:00
p.m. Registration begins at Gallivan
Plaza 6:00 p.m. Â Welcome and Warm Up
begins 6:30 p.m. Get ready, get set,
go! The Walk for Life begins! You can
walk on your own, with a team, with friends and family members, or you can
register your dog to walk with you. Get
your company to sponsor you, set your goal to become a 500 Club member, or
sponsor a water station. The
possibilities are endless. For more information and a downloadable registration
form, check out our web site. See you Saturday! Utah Aids Foundation:
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2003 This year as a Community
will be Celebrating Gay History Month in October. Our Gay History is a vital record
for us all, for it reflects the organizations and individuals who have helped
involve our Community from our past to present History. So what does our Gay
History do for us? And why is it important to keep and preserve our Gay
History? Our history is an expression of who and what we are as a people and
community. Our history shows our accomplishments as well defeats as
organizations and individuals over the past 34 when our movement came to be.
The Utah Stonewall Historical Society would like to make Gay History month fun
and as well as profitable for your organization. We, would like your
Organization to choose a day to celebrate its history along with your members
and the members of the Community. The
day you choose in October will be a day our Community can come together and
celebrate with your members of all the accomplishments and struggles your
organization faced when it was first conceived. It will be a day of memories
and reflection for us all. How can we
make this a special day for you, as well as the rest of the Community? The Utah
Stonewall Historical Society will take care of all the publicity of the event.
Participating organizations will have their logo featured and will advise
creating a perfect event. We, also will provide assistance as required to
verify data and provide organizations with the necessary tools to properly
document and record there past and present history. October, is an extremely
busy month as it is AIDS Awareness month, coming out day, and Gay History Month.
The Utah Stonewall Historical Society will be bringing renowned author Eric
Marcus who wrote Making Gay History, The Half Century Fight for Gay Equal Rights
for presentations, book signings, and lectures. This will be a special event
for us all to participate in and too help us gain more control of our past and present
Gay History from our Organizations as well from individuals. Let’s
all participate and help make Gay History Month in October something we can
share and be proud of. As we share our History Organizations accomplish-ments,
struggles, and those who made our organization so successful from its past to
present History today. Mark Swonson
2003Dear Community Organization This
year as the Utah Gay Community will join collectively for the Frist time in
celebrating Gay History Month in October 2003. Our Gay History is a vital
record for us all, for it reflects the organizations and individuals who have
helped involve our Community from our past to present History. So what does our Gay History do for us? And
why is it important to keep and preserve our Gay History? Our history is an expression
of who and what we are as a people and community. Our history shows our
accomplishments as well defeats myths as organizations and individuals over the
past 34 years how our community and quest for equality came to be. The Utah Stonewall
Historical Society would like to make Gay History Month fun and as well as
profitable for all parties involved. We, would like your Organization to choose
a day to celebrate its history along with your members and the members of the
community. The day you choose in
October will be a day our community can come together and celebrate with your
members of all the accomplishments and struggles your organization faced when
it was first conceived. It will be a day
of memories and reflection for us all. How
can we make this a special day for you, as well as the rest of the
Community? The Utah Stonewall Historical
Society will take care of all the publicity of the event. Participating
organizations will have there logo featured and will advise for creating a
perfect and historic event. We, also will provide assistance as required to verify
data and provide organizations with the necessary tools to properly document
and record there past and present history. October, is an extremely busy month
as it is the RCGSE AIDS Awareness Week, National AIDS Awareness month, UAF Invenio,
National Coming Out Day, and importantly Gay History Month. The Utah Stonewall
Historical Society will be bringing renowned author Eric Marcus who wrote
Making Gay History, The Half Century Fight for Gay Equal Rights for presentations,
book signings, and lectures. This will
be a special event for us all to participate in and to help us gain more
control of our past and present Gay History from our Organizations as well from
individuals. Lets all participate and help make Gay History Month in October
something we can share and be proud of.
As we share our History Organizations accomplishments, struggles, and
those who made our organization and community so successful from our past to the
present. If you choose to participate
please send a member of your organization to the July 16, 2003 meeting of the
Utah Stonewall Historical Society at the downtown library. The meeting will beging at 7:00 pm and will Organizational
or personal Gay history events for October will be the First item on the
2003 Hello everyone, Here is a
reminder of the University Pride meeting we have tomorrow. I look forward to seeing all of you there
with your updates on what you have accomplished. We will be meeting in room 311 of the Union
at 4:30 PM. I look forward to seeing as
many of you there as possible. Thanks for your participation. I have good news about the Keynote speaker.
Charles Milne Interim Advisor Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center
University of Utah
2003 Michael Mitchell to Ben Williams Wow...
such service! Love a timely response! By
the way, I thought the history kiosks were AWESOME! We need to do something like that every year. I think one of the main complaints by those
of us who have worked in the GLBT community (or any progressive movement, for
that matter) is that institutional memory isn't handed down... or any history
for that matter. Thank you SO much for
keeping that history alive. I think it's
an incredibly important part of who we are as a community. We need to remember all the work that's been
done -- the shoulders upon which we stand -- by those wonderfully brave folks
before us. Keep up the good work, sir! Warmest regards,
- Thanks for your kind words. BTW If you need info for a topic let me know and I'll access my data bank. I have over 5000 pages of documents and articles. Ben Williams
2004 Comedienne Westenhoefer
started her career on a dare By Scott Iwasaki Deseret
Morning News Published:
Friday, June 11, 2004 12:00 a.m. MDT Comic Suzanne Westenhoefer owes her career
to a dare. "I was a bartender in New York and some of my customers thought
I was funny," Westenhoefer said by phone from her home in Los Angeles.
"They dared me to participate in a stand-up contest, and I did. I don't
know what was more scary — the fact that I won the contest or the fact that I
was taking the advice of people who go to a bar and drink." When she won,
she says the clouds parted and she saw the light. "I thought to myself,
'Hey, I can do this.' I think I'll give it a try." Westenhoefer began her
comedy career later than most people. "I was 30 years old. I wanted to
originally be an actress and went to New York, but that city intimidated me. So
I ended up being a bartender, and that's where this whole thing started."
What was different about Westenhoefer back in the early 1990s when she started
developing her stand-up routine was the fact that she is openly gay. "I
think that opened some doors for me. People weren't only saying, 'Oh, here's
another chick doing comedy.' No, there was another angle that was unique at the
time. And when I started doing my thing in New York, since it's so diverse,
there were more opportunities for me to perform." Still, Westenhoefer did,
and still does, have obstacles to overcome, even though she's been in the
business for more than a decade. "Across the board, men have an edge. They
get the higher pay. They get the better time slots and they get the better
nights. It's like that in pretty much any business. These days, there are a few
more gay comics — Ellen (DeGeneres) and Margret (Cho). But in the early days,
there weren't many." While Cho and DeGeneres may be more well-known, they
both have cited Westenhoefer as one of their influences. "I love what they
do. And Margret, being a minority, has some other issues she has had to deal
with. I can't imagine being told, like she was when she had her TV show, that
she looked too Asian. How do you change your race?" In addition to the
first-place win at that stand-up contest so many years ago, Westenhoefer's
career has seen other firsts. She was the first gay comic to have an HBO
special and perform on "The Late Show" with David Letterman.
"I'm an activist," Westenhoefer said. "It's not a responsibility
for me. That word is too negative. I think of my activism and routines as more
akin to carrying on a family name. I want to see how far I can go. I never
thought I'd be on TV. I didn't think I'd be making albums or touring the
country." Westenhoefer has also appeared in a few independent films,
headlined the Montreal Comedy Festival and co-hosted fund-raisers. She was
recently nominated for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation's media
award for production, a first for a stand-up comic. "I'd like to do more
TV in the future. However, I'm happy to be where I am." If you go. . .
What: Suzanne Westenhoefer Where: Mo Diggity's When: Saturday, 7 p.m. How much:
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Suzanne Westenhoefer |
2004 Westenhoefer's straight talk
on her career as a gay comic Suzanne Westenhoefer found success doing gay
comedy for straight audiences for one reason -- she's funny, the only
requirement of a comic. By Dan Nailen The Salt Lake Tribune Stand-up comics
tend to remember their first night onstage as if it were a birthday or wedding
anniversary. Certainly, it is the beginning of a new life for those who stick
with it, and for Suzanne Westenhoefer, July 31, 1990, marks the beginning of a
career that has seen her become the first openly gay comic with her own HBO
comedy special and to do a gay-dominant routine on "The Late Show with
David Letterman." The idea of a gay comic -- male or female -- might not
seem odd now. But when Westenhoefer first took the stage of a New York City cabaret on a dare from the
customers where she tended bar, it was virtually unheard of. "At that
point, I wrote these really choppy, bad lesbian jokes, like 'Lesbian Barbie,'
" Westenhoefer said. "It was 1990, so I did this joke about Leona
Helmsley. . . . Still, they laughed, and it was a very big deal because simply
no one was out. Like, two women in San Francisco, one woman in New York --
actually Cape Cod -- and these three gay guys who traveled as 'Funny Gay
Males.' That was it. That was who was out and saying they were gay in the
comedy world, and they were saying that only in the gay world. They were at gay
clubs exclusively. "That was almost 13 years ago, and it seems like 50
years ago when you talk about it. So much has happened! It's off the charts.
Just the last three years. Just since May. We're allowed to get married! They
let us have sex! Of course, now they're letting us get married in order to stop
that." Westenhoefer managed to find success doing gay comedy for straight
audiences for one basic reason -- she's funny, the only basic requirement of a
comic. About 75 percent of her shows are in theaters with both straight and gay
audience members, with the rest of her shows coming at PRIDE-related events,
including two shows Saturday in Salt
Lake City . Early in her career, Westenhoefer said, her
shows were dominated by gay-themed jokes, because that was what the audience
wanted to hear. She has since expanded her subject matter. "I can really
be mean in the straight clubs about how bad straight guys are at sex,"
Westenhoefer said. "For some reason, even straight guys will laugh at
that. Their girlfriends will be howling. I could do that, or I could mock
heterosexuals having to have dating shows: 'How could you not meet? I see you
all day!' I could kind of mock heterosexual sex and dating habits because I
brought a different perspective and made it funny. That was an advantage I had,
being on the outside looking in, and it's fun because I can mock weddings and
bridal showers. I'd say, 'I've been with my girlfriend for 10 years and we
don't have two lamps that match. You guys get TVs!' " Despite
Westenhoefer's cross- over appeal to straight audiences, as well as her gay
activism, she said she is rarely asked to act as a "gay
spokesperson." "Because I've always been out, I don't count in the
gay media," Westenhoefer said. "I'm like a utility player. If I had
gotten famous, gotten my own TV show, and then come out, oh my god, then you're
like a freaking goddess. But if you take the risk from the beginning and kind
of ghetto-ize yourself, in their eyes, it's not the same. The gay media -- and
I love the gay media, I subscribe to everything -- but if some famous singer
who isn't gay says some gay- friendly thing, they'll be on the cover of every
magazine. If they find out Harrison Ford's half-brother or stepbrother is gay, he'd
be the spokesperson for the gay community. "I don't blame them, because
straight or gay, we're so celebrity- driven. They already know about me. 'Oh,
Suzanne? She's been gay forever.' " While Westenhoefer clearly would not
want to turn back the clock in terms of her own career or the progress made by
the gay community, she does miss certain aspects of doing standup before gay
celebrities were as common as they are now. "I would get up in an improv
in Dallas , Texas , and it would be like five minutes of hell,"
Westenhoefer said, explaining the appeal of those rough nights. "The
audience would be like, 'Oh my god, she really is a lesbian?' And when you won
them over, it was such an amazing thrill. It felt like you were changing the
world right there. "Sometimes I would do these sets that would start so
badly, my neck would be all red and I'd be sweating. And then they would
finally turn, because you know what? I'm funny. And they would be totally
laughing and clapping and coming up to me and saying, 'You're our first
lesbian.' It was such a high. Every time you did it, you just felt like things
were going to be better in the world. And now that it is sort of better, you
miss that feeling." At Mo Diggity's
* Comedian Suzanne Westenhoefer performs Saturday at Mo Diggity's, 3424 S.
State, at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. * Tickets, $15 in advance and $20 day of show, are
available at the club.
2004 Holbrook is leaving
Envision Utah post By Joe Baird The Salt Lake
Tribune Envision Utah
is losing the only executive director it has ever known. Stephen Holbrook, a
former legislator who has guided the Coalition for Utah 's
Future -- sponsor of Envision Utah
-- for almost 16 years, is retiring. "Nobody is irreplaceable, but Stephen
comes pretty close," said
Pamela Atkinson, a fellow Coalition member who
will chair the search committee to find Holbrook's replacement. "It will
be a daunting task to find a successor." Holbrook, 63, will officially
step down in September. As Envision Utah 's
executive director, he has guided the development and run the day-to-day
operations of the state's growth planning partner since its inception. Under
Holbrook's leadership, Envision Utah
engaged the public and political and business leaders in developing a quality
growth strategy for the state. Along the way, Envision Utah has become synonymous with quality
growth nationwide, scooping up fistfuls of major awards from organizations such
as the Urban Land Institute and the American Planning Association. During
Holbrook's tenure, the Coalition for Utah 's
Future also played a key role in securing legislation to create the State
Office of Child Care, state funding for after-school programs, and a variety of
education and health care reforms. Holbrook, a former three-term member of the
state House of Representatives, also coordinated efforts to build the Salt Lake
Community Shelter and founded KRCL 91 FM, a nonprofit community radio station
now in its 25th year. Now that he's stepping down, Holbrook says he hopes to
see more of the state he has called home his entire life. "I hope to see
more of it more often, and perhaps do some consulting and volunteering,"
Holbrook said.
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Stephen Holbrook |
2004 Friday, Utah Stonewall
Historical Society Post Subject: A Day of Mourning? For who? By Ben Williams
For those under 40, they can not possible imagine how much Reagan is hated by
Gay men over 40. For those under 40 look around. How many people to you see over 40? To be fair I hated
Reagan even before I came out as a Gay man for his anti-enviromental policies as Governor of
Calfornia in the 1960's where I grew up.
He allowed
logging in old growth redwood groves saying If you seen one tree you have seen them all. How many trees do you need to look at? Under his watch loggers came in and destroyed the oldest living redwood on the planet over 2000 years old because it made the effort to turn the grove into state park pointless. He was anti-student during the Viet Nam War and refused to shut down the California University system after the Kent State Massacre in memorial to students slain by the National Guard until political pressure was put on him and he feared for university property. He was anti-Union, was a McCarthy informer, and alligned himself with the political far right and became the poster child of the Neo Conservative movement (Neo-Cons)which sought to protect America from people like me and you by repealing Gay protection laws. He and his 2nd wife Nancy were the epitomy of family values-but had disfunction children who won't talk to you but keep up the appearence of a loving Father Knows Best family. Kind of like George W. and his alcohic daughters. When President Reagan was elected President in 1980 with the help of the Iranian hostage crisis I knew we were in for a rough ride. As President of the United States he began the process of reversing the social programs of FDR, Kennedy, and LBJ's America. The rich got richer while the rest of us under Reagan's presidency became 3 trillion dollars in debt. Trinkle down economic was just another way of saying piss on the rest of you. Then let’s not forget that AIDS became a pan epidemic by governmental neglect condoned and inspire by the Neo-Con actor and President, who had George Bush Sr., former CIA director as his Vice President. No I will not mourn for Reagan today- just for the thousands who could have been saved if the CDC would have been allowed to have a rapid response to the epidemic. But until "innocent victims" (read heterosexuals) were affected Reagan remained silent. And he's the great communicator? Ben Williams
logging in old growth redwood groves saying If you seen one tree you have seen them all. How many trees do you need to look at? Under his watch loggers came in and destroyed the oldest living redwood on the planet over 2000 years old because it made the effort to turn the grove into state park pointless. He was anti-student during the Viet Nam War and refused to shut down the California University system after the Kent State Massacre in memorial to students slain by the National Guard until political pressure was put on him and he feared for university property. He was anti-Union, was a McCarthy informer, and alligned himself with the political far right and became the poster child of the Neo Conservative movement (Neo-Cons)which sought to protect America from people like me and you by repealing Gay protection laws. He and his 2nd wife Nancy were the epitomy of family values-but had disfunction children who won't talk to you but keep up the appearence of a loving Father Knows Best family. Kind of like George W. and his alcohic daughters. When President Reagan was elected President in 1980 with the help of the Iranian hostage crisis I knew we were in for a rough ride. As President of the United States he began the process of reversing the social programs of FDR, Kennedy, and LBJ's America. The rich got richer while the rest of us under Reagan's presidency became 3 trillion dollars in debt. Trinkle down economic was just another way of saying piss on the rest of you. Then let’s not forget that AIDS became a pan epidemic by governmental neglect condoned and inspire by the Neo-Con actor and President, who had George Bush Sr., former CIA director as his Vice President. No I will not mourn for Reagan today- just for the thousands who could have been saved if the CDC would have been allowed to have a rapid response to the epidemic. But until "innocent victims" (read heterosexuals) were affected Reagan remained silent. And he's the great communicator? Ben Williams
- Ronald Reagan Finally, someone that makes sense. I'm not over 40, though approaching fast, but I remember. Thanks Ben, love reading your articles.
2005 Dyke March Rally
@ 6PM Meet at City Creek Park. The march starts @ 6:45 and culminates at the
Pride Dance. Utah Pride 2005 Dance @
6-10PM ~ 200 E 400 S Come dance the night away with Sexy DJ Claudette!
2005 Pride Interfaith Service First Baptist Church - 777
South 1300 East SLC, UT June 11th, 2005 - 6 PM The service will last
approximately one hour. After the service, we will have refreshments and hold a
social. After the service, please join us at the Pride Dance downtown at: 200 E
400 South, SLC! Make your plans now to join us! Many faith groups are
participating in this year's Pride Interfaith Service representing Christian,
Jewish, Non-Denominational, Pagan, Native American, and Eastern
Traditions. Other participants include
the Salt Lake Men's Choir, P-FLAG-SLC, individuals from the GLCCU, the Utah
Pride Day Council, among others.
2006 Sunday – Pride Community Softball – Jordan Park (11am-4pm)Come
out and cheer on your favorite team at Jordan Park – located at 900 W. 1300 S.
Summer, Softball and super fun people! What more could you ask for?
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Rabbi Tracee Rosen |
Connell O'Donovan |
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Ted wilson |
2007 Club Dread By Brandon Burt
Salt Lake City Weekly Last week marked the first meeting of the Provo High
School Gay-Straight Alliance, a student club intended to foster tolerance of
gay and lesbian students. These days, such clubs exist in high schools across
the country. The surprising bit is that this one exists in Utah County, not
exactly a bastion of tolerance. Less of a surprise is news that the club may be
short-lived. Word has it if reactionary members of the local school board can’t
quash the club by requiring parental permission slips, they may opt for a
policy banning nonacademic clubs altogether'a policy that proved disastrous at
Salt Lake City’s East High School nearly a decade ago. At the
time, Kelly
Peterson upset members of the Uptight Community by forming a similar club in
the expectation that fostering tolerance for sexual minorities might make the
brutal world of high school slightly more bearable for some students. The
school board, faculty and student body proved less than supportive; if they
allowed a club promoting acceptance of gay students to rent space, sooner or
later, somebody would demand that S/M leather orgies be held on school property
at taxpayer expense. The orgies never materialized, but interesting legal
discourse ensued. It turned out that a troublesome federal law, the Equal
Access Act, prevented public schools from violating students’ First Amendment
right to assemble. In 1984, conservative Christian groups lobbied for the law,
because it would force school boards to allow gospel-study groups. Oh, and Sen.
Orrin Hatch was a sponsor. Now, however, it was being taken completely out of
context: Yes, the good, clean-cut youth of America would still be allowed to
peddle Bibles, but it was clear that perverse forces of evil, with their
unsettlingly spiky, bi-level hairstyles, would also need to be tolerated. It
was quite a blow. The school board held out for a couple years, making a
half-hearted attempt at compliance by banning such noncurricular clubs as the
Meat Club, the Chinese Checkers Club and the Young Republicans. This unpopular
move brought the wrath of the students, not upon the intolerant members of the
school board who caused the whole ruckus, but upon the gay and lesbian
students, who were perceived as having caused the whole ruckus. If you were a
queer at East High during those years, your life wasn’t worth a plug nickel. The
school board, however, eventually capitulated when a student named Ivy Fox
brought suit against the district because East High forgot that the Future
Business Leaders of America was not an academic club. Lambda Legal and the
ACLU'not to mention students like Fox with unusually supportive parents' were
amazingly effective, and the upswing was that the following school year,
nonacademic clubs, including the GSA, were allowed to meet normally. Thus, if
the Provo City School District is serious about holding the line against its
gay and straight students, it had better make damned sure no Future Business
Leaders of America ever darken the door of PHS. It should also ferret out any
students with unusually supportive parents, because we’ve seen how problematic
they can be. Or, perhaps it could look at the hundreds of public schools across
the nation'the ones who have treated both their Bible-banging and their gay
students even-handedly'whose roofs have not fallen in and which haven’t been
swallowed up by the flames of hell. Because they haven’t seen hell until
they’ve had the ACLU and Lambda Legal after their asses.
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Kelly Peterson |
2007 Salt Lake City Weekly Sodom
Do By Ben Fulton Say what you will about Utah’s antiquated sodomy laws, at
least they prompt Utah Eagle Forum head Gayle Ruzicka to enlist the word
“semen” in their defense. “Anytime you put semen into those cavities of the
body not made to receive the semen, you have a much higher chance of disease
and infection. So there’s a very good health reason why those acts should
remain illegal,” Ruzicka told this paper two years ago. From the ancient biblical city of its
namesake to the corridors of power in modern America, nothing strikes fear into
the hearts of people everywhere quite like sodomy, those sexual acts that
involve something other than the direct contact of a pair of genitals,
hopefully those of the opposite sex. Anything else besides the simple
missionary position sets off apocalyptic visions. U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Antonin Scalia warned in his dissenting opinion of Lawrence v. Texas that his
fellow judges had “taken sides in the culture war.” That’s pretty belligerent
language when talking about sex in America’s consensual bedrooms. Scalia no doubt
stews in his tortured thoughts that somewhere, somehow a whole lot of people
are having more fun than he is. Sex is
rarely a comfortable topic for public conversation. Remember the sheer terror
you felt at even the possibility that you might hear your own parents going at
it? Nevertheless, a staunch contingent of us insist that the state keep its
powers over the bedroom door in reserve because ... well, just because. Sodomy isn’t altogether illegal in Utah. In 1977,
our enlightened Legislature made it legal for married couples. You want
pleasure? Commit to marriage and it can be legally, rightfully yours. Single
people and gays can revel in breaking the law which, let’s be honest, adds
excitement to an already exciting act.
Alone in the crusade to scratch this so-called “law” is local civil
rights attorney Brian Barnard, a man faced with the unenviable task of
escorting a matter of human sexual desire through bureaucratic court
proceedings. Barnard also gets to wince at Attorney General Shurtleff’s argument
that, while certainly unenforceable, Utah sodomy laws pack a certain
“pedagogical value,” as he described in a brief. To paraphrase his brief,
grown-ups teach the young about what’s right and wrong. In other words, older
folks have taken a spin around Sodom’s city square, didn’t like it one bit, and
neither should you. Nice to know, but not terribly helpful in a consumer
culture that stresses variety of choice from crackers to credit cards. Count on
an attorney to take the fun out of sex. But don’t count on Utah’s sodomy laws
biting the dust anytime soon, even if they’ve been effectively invalidated by
Lawrence v. Texas. Our Legislature will never let go of any tool that lets them
beat up on gays and lesbians. Meantime, expect Barnard to forge ahead with his
obvious legal argument that the state has no business sniffing between your
sheets. Problem is, Barnard has had a dickens of time persuading the court that
his client, one unmarried heterosexual D. Berg, has suffered sufficient enough
harm from the law to present a case. Of course, it’s doubtful the state could
persuade D. Berg or anyone else that they’ve suffered harm while practicing
consensual sodomy.
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Orrin Hatch |
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David Melson |
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Peggy Bon |
2012 Utah panel to discuss
removal of book about lesbian moms Schools • District's recent action sparks
complaints, discussion. By Melinda Rogers The Salt Lake Tribune Theresa Novak
and Anne Spatola moved to Utah from California five years ago, after raising
three children together in a community 20 miles north of San Francisco. The
Ogden couple, together since 1975, had a support system of lesbian and gay
families in their former hometown. Their oldest son ran into occasional bullying
for having two mothers, Spatola said, but their younger twins reached adulthood
during a time when diverse families weren't out of the norm. They read the
picture book Heather Has Two Mommies to their children at home, helping them
understand that families sometimes have two moms or two dads. So the couple was
taken aback by a recent decision in the Davis School District to limit
students' access to a book about children being raised by lesbian mothers. "I
feel that any kind of censorship is a problem," said Spatola, who moved
with her partner to Utah after Novak got a job as a minister at Ogden's
Unitarian Universalist Church. "It doesn't surprise me that some families
might not want any exposure to families that are different than your very-limited
nuclear family.... but children need to be exposed to all kinds of different
families." Spatola and Novak plan to participate in a Monday panel
discussion about the district's recent action. The event will also include Eric
Ansel, a psychology professor at Weber State University; Rev. Jamila Tharp and
her partner Michelle Hasting; and the Rev. Rob Trujillo, his partner and their
son Dillon. The forum started as a series on bullying and suicide, but book
banning made its way into the mix as the Davis controversy continues to
reverberate, said Peggy Bon, a volunteer with Ogden-based OUTreach Resource
Center. In Our Mothers' House, by Patricia Polacco, was recently removed from
shelves of elementary school libraries in Davis County after a group of parents
objected to the story's content. The book remains accessible but only if a
student presents a permission slip from a parent. The decision to keep the book
behind the counter followed an April 30 meeting during which a seven-member
committee determined it didn't align with district curriculum standards. The
committee, comprised of teachers, administrators and parents, voted 6-1 to keep
the book off shelves, with Bountiful High librarian Trudena Fager casting the
dissenting vote. "State law says schools can't have anything in the
curriculum that advocates homosexuality," said district spokesman Chris
Williams earlier this month. "That is why it is now behind the
counter." Williams said the district has received only three to five phone
calls in recent weeks complaining about the decision. Concerns about the book
surfaced in January, when the mother of a kindergarten student at Windridge
Elementary in Kaysville became upset when her child checked out the book and
brought it home. The mother and her husband brought their concerns to
elementary school officials, according to Williams. Williams said the book was
purchased in part because a student who attended Windridge Elementary has two
mothers and librarians wanted to foster inclusion. Bon characterized parental
lobbying efforts to have the book removed as a form of bullying. "They are
bullies," she said. "People need to understand each other." She
argues that limiting access to the book is sending a message to children of
same-sex families that their families are not OK. "Kids who live with
straight parents, they can go to any old shelf and can pull out a book about
families that look like theirs," she said. With LGBT-themed books behind
the counter, it makes kids wonder "what is wrong with my family that books
about us have to be back against the shelf? Are we a bad family?" Meanwhile,
the Utah Library Association met Friday to discuss the Davis School District's
action. And the New York-based Kids' Right to Read Project, sponsored by the
National Coalition Against Censorship and the American Booksellers Foundation
for Free Expression, is also looking into restriction of books in the school
district and assessing the First Amendment implications, said Acacia O'Connor,
a spokeswoman for the organization. DaNae Leu, a media specialist at Snow Horse
Elementary School in Kaysville, said earlier this month that the district is
taking a proactive stance on pulling other books in the wake of the
controversy. Also marked for removal is And Tango Makes Three, the story of a
pair of male penguins who sit on an egg at a zoo until it hatches; and Totally
Joe, a book for ages 10 and up about a teenager who is gay. Bon said she's
hopeful that Monday's meeting will draw people on both sides of the issue. "I don't want to legislate anything. I
don't want to force anything down people's throats. I just want people to
understand why the books should be there," she said.Spatola agreed. She said some parents may not
realize they are relaying a message of intolerance to children by preventing their
exposure to LGBT families. "I think they have to realize that they
are not just saying something to the adults in the situation, they are saying
something to the children and that is wrong. People need to give some thought
to that," she said.
2017 A rally was held at the Wallace Bennett Federal Building to support the national march in Washington DC. Created by Becky Moss, Mark Angus, and Terry Gillman. Salt Lake Tribune The event — which was one of 97 events held nationwide as part the Equality March for Unity and Pride — featured Sen. Jim Dabakis, LGBT historian Ben Williams, Salt Lake City Council candidate Chris Wharton and Mayor Jackie Biskupski.
2:00 PM Salt Lake Men's Choir - Cups, Good Old Acapella Dennis McCracken Salt Lake Men's Choir2:10 PM Emcee - Moesha Montana Moesha
Speech - A Call to Action and introduction to the memoriam Terry Gillman Utah Gay Men's Resource Network
Memoriam for those who lost their lives to AIDS - 30 seconds of silence Terry Gillman Gay Men Aloud
2:15 PM Jim Dabakis Utah State Senator
2:20 PM Mr. Friendly Michael Sanders Black Board and Mr. Friendly
2:25 PM The Importance of Gay History Edgar Ben Williams Utah Stonewall Historical Society
2:30 - The importance of being politically involved Rudy Miera Utah Stonewall Democrats
2:35 - Being a Trans Candidate Sophia Hawes-Tingey Candidate for Mayor of Midvale
2:40 - Legal System Chris Wharton Salt Lake City Council Candidate
2:45 - Human Rights, teaching empathy education and facilitating conversations Carla Kelley The Human Rights Education Center of Utah
2:50 - Lucas Fowler - Trans in America Lucas Fowler TEA of Utah
2:55 - LGBTQ Bullying - Don's Story Don Chugg Provo Activist
3:00 - Encircle mission, bringing families and their LGBTQ children together to prevent youth homelessness and suicide Jacob Dunford Encircle LGBTQ Family & Youth Resource Center - Development Director
3:05 Gay Parenting, challenges of adoption, foster parenting, surrogacy, single parenting, starting a family, etc. Ben Visser Utah Gay Father's Association
3:10 - Gay Immigration Issues Connell O'Donnovan Utah Pride Center's Heart and Home Project for LGBT International Refugees
3:15 - Immigration Story, Importance for us to let Gay asylum seekers into the country Barnabas Wobiliya Wah-Bee-Leah Ugandan Immigrant
3:20 PM Salt Lake Men's Choir - Fields of Gold Dennis McCracken Salt Lake Men's Choir
2017 The Equality March for Unity and Pride – Utah 2017 In what local organizers are calling a “call to arms,” two local marches will take place a week before and during the national LGBT March on Washington, dubbed “The Equality March for Unity and Pride.” “Our LGBTQ rights and protections around the world are under attack,” organizer Mark Angus wrote in a statement to the organizers. “We need every one of you and all of your allies to come together in order to convince our nation and the world that we are fabulous and that they need our contributions as part of any vibrant society.” The first march will coincide with the planned marches before the Utah Pride Festival on Friday, June 2 at 5 p.m. “To start the festivities with a bang, we will walk hand-in-hand at the end of the ‘Pride in Solidarity March’,” Angus said. “Everyone who wants to march with us is welcome. Please make protest posters and wear rainbow colors.” Ideas for posters include “We Can’t Keep Quiet,” “Silence = Death,” “Religious Freedom = Freedom to Discriminate,” “Stop the Hate,” “Resist!,” “When We Rise,” “Marriage Equality is Settled Law, Never Again!,” “Gay Rights are Human Rights, And Still We Persist,” “LGBTQ Rights are Under Attack,” “Love = Love, And Justice for All.” The Pride in Solidarity March will begin at 5 p.m. at Harvey Milk Blvd (9th South) and 9th East. A rally will begin at 6 p.m. and the first marchers will step out at 6:45 p.m. with an expected 7:30 p.m. arrival at the Utah Pride Festival grounds. March participants will be allowed on the Festival grounds free of charge. “Every time we stop along the march route we will have a chant caller,” Angus explained. “Let your voices be heard. Let yourself be seen and counted. We’re here, we’re queer, we’re fabulous.” Volunteers will distribute flyers for the following march to be held Sunday, June 11. The national march will begin in Washington D.C. at 10 a.m. EDT (8 a.m. MDT) on June 11. Sister marches will take place on the same day all over the country and around the world. “Those of us who cannot travel to Washington D.C. will participate in unity and support with a local rally,” Angus said. “Together we will make this the greatest rally the world has ever seen.” Marchers are encouraged to wear T-shirts from their favorite LGBTQ organization or choose one with a rainbow color and “accessorize with all the rainbow stuff that you bought at the Pride Festival.” Posters made during the previous march are also encouraged. “We will have speakers of three to five minutes max, chanting and an open mike,” Angus said. All LGBTQ organizations, as well as local, state and national representatives, are invited to speak. The Equality March for Unity and Pride – Utah 2017 Rally agenda: On Sunday, June 11, marchers will begin to gather at Washington Park, on the west side of the City and County Building. The rally will begin at 2 p.m. with a memoriam to those who helped build the LGBTQ community in Utah and those who sacrificed to get the community where it is today. “Lay down your posters and stand hand-in-hand in silence to honor those of us who have lost their lives, who have been persecuted, bullied, tortured and murdered around the world and throughout history for daring to be who they are. We enjoy the rights and protections they have built for us over many years. We will not let them be taken away from us now,” Angus said. Beginning at 3:30pm will be a half hour of open mike. At 4 p.m. the rally will end hand-in-hand with a last cheer of Pride. The rally hopes to address along list of important issues: Bullying and teen suicide; Immigration of gay refugees fleeing for their lives; Ostracism from families and religion; Invisibility by being left out of the Census; Unity by bringing the margins of our LGBTQ community to the center; Continued activism by rallying the Millennials and our allies to keep what we have gained; Fighting against religious freedom which encourages discrimination; Speaking out on International human rights abuses; Protecting funding for HIV research and free PREP; Protecting funding for Planned Parenthood, sex education, free contraception and reproductive justice; Protecting Transgender rights in schools and all public buildings. If you would like to speak on one of these issues or another, email mark.nyal.angus@gmail.com to get on the speaker’s list with a time slot.
- Proud to see the leadership of Gay Men Aloud at today's rally for equality ... Good going Dennis J Lee and Kent McKay Scadlock. MA members Mark N Angus and Terry Gillman helped in organizing this event.
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